Mollie API
Great thanks to Mollie for sponsoring this release and making sure the library is completely up-to-date with their API. Thanks to their support, all features that were missing and all outstanding bugs have been resolved. Below is a list of features/bugfixes that are included in this version
Bugfixes and improvements
- All enum values are now strings. For each of the values that were previously enum's, a static class with const strings has been added. This will make sure that client applications will no longer crash when a new value is added to the Mollie API. A full list of static classes with const strings has been added to the
- Fix a bug regarding serialization/deserialization of JSON metadata where the JSON metadata was escaped when it should not have been.
- Added various unit tests and integration tests for new and existing API calls
Payments API
- General - Remove Bitcoin payment method
- Create payment endpoint - Add support for passing multiple payments methods in an array
- Create payment endpoint - Add support to include the QR code in the API response
- Create payment endpoint - Add support to include the remainder details in the API response
- Create payment endpoint - Add support for the "restrictPaymentMethodsToCountry" and "expiresAt" properties
- New endpoint - Add support for the "Update payment" endpoint
- Get payment endpoint - Mark "cardFingerprint" property as deprecated/obsolete
- Get payment endpoint - Add support for the "wallet" property for the credit card specific payment details
- Get payment endpoint - Add support for the "sellerProtection", "digitalGoods", "paypalPayerId" and "paypalFee" properties for the Paypal specific payment details
Orders API
- Create order endpoint - Add support for passing multiple payments methods in an array
- Update order line - Add support to update the metadata property of an order line
- Create order endpoint - Add support for the "shopperCountryMustMatchBillingCountry" and "expiresAt" properties
- Get order endpoint - Add support to embed the shipments of an order
- Create order endpoint - Add support for the URL parameter "payment.applicationFee"
- Update order line endpoint - Add support for the "MetaData" property
Payment methods API
- PaymentMethodResponse model - Add support for the "feeRegion" property
- List all payment methods - Add support for the "amount" query parameter
Subscriptions API -
- List all subscriptions - Add support for the "List all subscriptions" API call
- Update subscription endpoint - Add support to update the interval property
- Get subscription - Add support for the "payments" and “profile” properties in the "_links" object
- Get subscription - Add support for the "applicationFee" property
- Create subscription - Add support for the "applicationFee" property
Customers API
- Create customer payment - Add support for the "Create customer payment" endpoint
Invoices API
- List invoices endpoint - Add support for the _links "previous" and "next" properties
Organizations API
- Get organization endpoint - Add support for the "vatRegulation" property
- Get current organization endpoint - Add missing properties on the _links object, such as "dashboard", "settlements" and "refunds"
Connect API
- General - Improved error handling
- Revoke token - Add support for the "Revoke token" endpoint
Profiles API
- Get current profile - Add support for the "Get current profile" endpoint
- Enable payment method - Add support for the "Enable payment method" endpoint
- Disable payment method - Add support for the "Disable payment method" endpoint
- Enable gift card issuer - Add support for the "Enable gift card issuer" endpoint
- Disable gift card issuer - Add support for the "Disable gift card issuer" endpoint
Settlement API
- List settlement captures - Add support for the "List settlement captures" endpoint
Onboarding API
- Add Onboarding client and interface
- Add support for the "Get onboarding status" endpoint
- Add support for the "Submit onboarding status" endpoint