simple rendering engine for inhouse usage. support rendering using OpenGL on GPU and on CPU with OSMesa
C++17 required (at least gcc7)
- General:
- Loki - library written by Andrei Alexandrescu as part of his book Modern C++ Design (TODO - need to switch on boost hana or spirit)
- Boost - widely known C++ libraries pack
- glm - OpenGL Mathematics
- spdlog - fast C++ logging library
- OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Library.
- OpenGL - usually shiped with graphics drivers
- or with open source realisation - mesa
- FlatBuffers - memory efficient cross platform serialization library
- GPU enabled build only:
- OIS - Object Oriented Input System
- X11 - only basic library for window creation and input manipulation
- part of any Linux distribution
- CPU enabled build only:
- OSMesa - part of Mesa 3D Graphics Library
- Tools:
- Autodesk fbxsdk - for fbx importing. Tested with FBX SDK 2018
- tinyobjloader - wavefront obj (and mtl ) format parser