- N: number of neurons in the network
- Categorization of a vector:
- if timestep given, calculates all the states of the vector in given timestep
- if not, calculates the final state or end cycle of the vector
- Vectors:
- Number formt: 3
- Bitset format: 0000000000000000000000011
- Vector format: [23,24]
- Cycle:
- id: The biggest vector (number format) in the cycle
- population: The number of vectors that is categorized to the cycle
- length: number of unqiue vectors in the cycle
- 10_mod1.cpp
- 3.cpp
Permanently Excite or Inhibit a Neuron
- 10_mod5.cpp
- 10_mod3.cpp
Random Walk
- 9.cpp
- 8.cpp
- 7_mod2.cpp (not used)
- 6.cpp (not used)
- 5.cpp
- 7_mod1.cpp (categorization)
- 4+matrix.cpp (distance)
- 4 (distance)
- 11.py
- 10_mod6.cpp
- 10_mod4.cpp
- 10_mod2.cpp
- matrix.cpp
- results.py
- 2.cpp
- 2_1.py
- 2.py
- 1.cpp
- 1.py
- inputs: None
- parameters: N, probability of connection, timestep
- outputs: a graph that shows the categorization of a random vector in given timestep
- new parameters: number of trials
- new: new random vector for each trial, cleaner code for each trial
- new outputs: categorization of unique, transient, and repeating vectors for all vectors in all trials
- new: cleaner code for each trial
- new: C++ version of 1.py
- new outputs: (to txt) [timesteps, on neuron] coordinates for graphing
- new: clearner code
- new inputs: (from txt) adjacency matrix
- new: categorizes all possible random vector given a random matrix
- new outputs: id and population for all cycles
- new: calculates the distance of each vector to its cycle
- unique outputs: (to txt 1) id and population for all cycles (to txt 2) distance of each vector to its cycle
- unique: combines 4.cpp and matrix.cpp
- unique: given a set matrix, apply noise with probability to one trial given a random starting vector
- unique outputs: transition matrix between cycles
6.cpp (not used)
- unique: noise is randomized
- new outputs: (to txt 1) id and population for all cycles (to txt 2) categorization of all vectors
7_mod2.cpp (not used)
- unique inputs: (from txt 1) id and population for all cycles (from txt 2) categorization of all vectors
- unique: apply noise (excite or inhibit a neuron) after reaching an end cycle
- unique inputs: (from txt 1) id and population for all cycles (from txt 2) categorization of all vectors
- unique: cleaner and faster code for 5.cpp, using bitsets
- unique: noise only happens after reaching an end cycle
- same as 3.cpp
- new inputs: (from txt 2) results from 10.mod1
- new: get all vectors in stable cycle and get common on neurons
- new outputs: on neurons that are common in all vectors of a stable cycle for all stable cycles
- new parameters: fixed neuron
- new: same as 10.mod1 besides an always excited neuron
- new: same as 10.mod2 besides taking the always excited neuron into consideration
- new parameters: inhib neuron
- new: same as 10.mod1 besides an always inhibited neuron
- new: same as 10.mod2 besides taking the always inhibited neuron into consideration
- new: explores the characteristics of the network graph
- inputs: (from txt) [timesteps, on neuron] coordinates for graphing
- outputs: a graph that shows the desired end cycle of a random vector
- outputs: (to txt) randomly generated adjacency matrix