Blazor extensions for Analytics. Supported platforms: Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and FaceBook Pixel.
All the hard work was done by welisonmenezes in his blazor-universal-analytics repository. I just built upon his work and adapted it to my Blazor needs.
First install the Nuget package
Install-Package BlazorAnalytics
Then import the namespaces in _Imports.razor
@using BlazorAnalytics
Then, add the AnalyticsNavigationTracker
component below your Router in App.razor
The tracker listens to the navigation change and reports the page_view event to your analytics tracker.
<Router ... />
+ <AnalyticsNavigationTracker />
Inside your main Startup
, call AddBlazorAnalytics
+ builder.Services.AddBlazorAnalytics("GoogleAnalyticsId", "PixelId", "TagManagerId");
If TagManagerId is set, GoogleAnalyticsId and PixelId will be ignored as TagManager will manage this for you.
Page view events will be broadcast to your analytics tracker as long as an Id is provided.
You can use all null values though and still use the LogEvent function.
There is a full example on the Demo's C;ient Counter page, but all you need to do in your code is request the service via the dependency injection.
protected IBlazorAnalytics Analytics { get; set; }
private void MyFunction()
Analytics.LogEvent("button_clicked", "Some Value");