Link to Heroku app:
Login: [email protected] Password: 123456
Необходимо разработать web-приложение "Форма обратной связи" на основе данных user stories.
- Использовать rails-base как основу проекта.
- Сделать простой приятный дизайн.
- Задеплоить разработанное приложение на Heroku.
- При необходимости - использовать стандартные для компании библиотеки (Devise, Pundit / ActivePolicy, Draper, Interactor, Simple Form)
- Все user story покрыть автоматическими тестами (RSpec, Capybara, ChromeDriver)
As Visitor I want to leave feedback
When I open New Feedback page
Then I see form with required fields: name, email, text
When I fill all 3 fields
And When I click "Submit feedback"
I should see message "Feedback was successfully send!"
And email with feedback sent to [email protected]
As User I want to see pre-filled name and email in feedback form
Given I am authenticated as John Smith ([email protected])
When I open New Feedback page
Then I should see name field pre-filled with "John Smith"
And I should see email field pre-filled with "[email protected]"
As Admin User I want to see list of all Feedbacks
Given I am authenticated as Admin ([email protected])
And there are Feedbacks in database
When I open Feedbacks page
Then I see table with list of all feedbacks sorted by "newest first"
And I see pagination under the table
As Admin User I want to search through feedbacks
Given I am authenticated as Admin ([email protected])
And there are feedback with text "Hello" from John Smith ([email protected]) in database
And there are feedback with text "Help" from Michael Brown ([email protected]) in database
When I open Feedbacks page
Then I see Search Form with text input and submit button
When I fill search input with "john"
Then I see feedback from John Smith
And I do not see feedback from Michael
When I fill search input with "Help"
Then I see feedback from Michael
And I do not see feedback from John Smith