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File format

Roy Straver edited this page Dec 23, 2016 · 1 revision


Numpy compressed formats are somewhat unusual for Python users. This document is meant to help you understand what data is saved in the files and how to obtain them should you wish to. Either for custom report creation or for additions to the tool.

Import the required module:

import numpy

Rid us of some function pointing variable errors:

toolConvert = '<toolConvert>'
toolTest    = '<toolTest>'
toolNewref  = '<toolNewref>'

Load a file:

theFile = numpy.load('./afile.npz')

Ask what data is in the file:


Numpy has a limited specification of what is in the file, a few workarounds are needed. Sometimes it's fine to just access the data directly, sometimes it's not. This depends on whether or not the data accessed is a default numpy array structure. If it is not, use .item():


This should return the data in it's original structure.

Converted file

Data contained in the first npz created from a bam file using convert:

  • runtime, a dict specifying information about the system when the conversion was ran.
  • arguments, a dict with all arguments used to call the script.
  • quality, a dict with integers showing the amount of reads lost per filter.
  • sample, a dict with an int32 array per chromosome, telling the amount of reads per bin.
	runtime {
		'username': 'rstraver',
		'version':  '5cce5e3',
		'hostname': 'marvin',
		'datetime': datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 12, 17, 11, 52, 131386)

	arguments {
		'retthres': 4,
		'retdist':  4,
		'binsize':  50000.0,
		'outfile':  './testSamples/sampleFile.npz',
		'func':     '<toolConvert>',
		'infile':   './testSamples/sampleFile.bam'

	quality {
		'filter_rmdup':  1189893,
		'filter_mapq':   3401000,
		'no_coordinate': 12580916L,
		'mapped':        43366013L,
		'unmapped':      0L,
		'post_retro':    38754546,
		'pair_fail':     0,
		'pre_retro':     43365720

	sample {
		'1':  array([0, ..., 0], dtype=int32),
		'2':  array([0, ..., 0], dtype=int32),
		'22': array([0, ..., 0], dtype=int32),
		'X':  array([0, ..., 0], dtype=int32),
		'Y':  array([0, ..., 0], dtype=int32)

Results file

Data contained in the npz generated using test:

  • runtime, a dict specifying information about the system when the conversion was ran.
  • arguments, a dict with all arguments used to call the script.
  • binsize, an int that represents the binsize this sample was tested at.
  • asdef, a float that represents the average standard deviation in this sample.
  • aasdef, a float, equals asdef * threshold_z, relative effect size required on average to make a call for a single bin using the z-score method.
  • threshold_z, a float representing the treshold used to determine significant variations.
  • results_calls, an array of arrays of float values, every array defines a call.
    Format: [chromosome, startBin, endBin, zScore, effectSize], cast first 3 values to int if desired.
  • results_cwz, array of float values representing chromosome wide z-scores, using stouffers z-score to combine all z-scores on a chromosome.
  • results_r, array of arrays of float values, one array per chromosome, representing relative read depth change per bin.
  • results_z, array of arrays of float values, one array per chromosome, representing z-score per bin.
	runtime {
		'username': 'rstraver',
		'version':  '5cce5e3',
		'hostname': 'marvin',
		'datetime':  datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 12, 17, 20, 21, 492569)

	arguments {
		'minzscore':     None,
		'minrefbins':    25,
		'reference':     './dataFiles/reference.npz',
		'outfile':       './testSamples/sampleFile_out.npz',
		'func':          '<toolTest>',
		'mineffectsize': 0,
		'repeats':       5,
		'infile':        './testSamples/sampleFile.npz',
		'multitest':     1000





	results_calls [
		[1.00000000e+00, 5.40000000e+01, 5.40000000e+01,
		 1.06117139e+01, 3.82842947e-01],
		[2.20000000e+01, 8.60000000e+01, 8.60000000e+01,
		-6.10927573e+00, -1.46670420e-01]

	results_cwz [

	results_r [
		array([0.00000000e+00, ..., 0.00000000e+00]),
		array([0.00000000e+00, ..., 0.00000000e+00])

	results_z [
		array([0.00000000e+00, ..., 0.00000000e+00]),
		array([0.00000000e+00, ..., 0.00000000e+00])

Reference file

  • runtime, a dict specifying information about the system when the conversion was ran.
  • arguments, a dict with all arguments used to call the script.
  • binsize, an int that represents the binsize this reference was created at.
  • chromosome_sizes, an array of int values to tell the amount of bins per chromosome.
  • masked_sizes, an array of int values to tell the amount of bins per chromosome after masking.
  • mask, an array of bool values to tell what bins are masked out for further analyses.
  • pca_components, an array of arrays of float values describing PCA components.
  • pca_mean, an array of float values describing PCA means.
  • indexes, an array of arrays of int values telling the indexes of bins selected for every bin. Every array contains the refset for one bin, all chromosomes are concatenated into one large array.
  • distances, an array of arrays of float values telling the distance squared between target and reference bin for every bin selected in indexes.
	runtime {
		'username': 'rstraver',
		'version':  'b12fadf',
		'hostname': 'marvin',
		'datetime':  datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 8, 15, 40, 19, 693540)

	arguments {
		'infiles':  ['./refSamples/firstRefSample.npz',
		'partfile': './dataFiles/reference_part',
		'cpus':     1,
		'binsize':  250000,
		'outfile':  './dataFiles/reference.npz',
		'parts':    1,
		'func':     '<toolNewref>',
		'part':     [1, 1],
		'refsize':  100,
		'prepfile': './dataFiles/reference_prep.npz'


	chromosome_sizes [
		998, ..., 206

	masked_sizes [
		913, ..., 141

	mask [
		True, ..., False

	pca_components [
		[0.00395148, ..., 0.01222231],
		[0.00389488, ..., 0.01998623]

	pca_mean [  
		1.22552300e-05, ..., 8.10593756e-05

	indexes [
		[395, 446, 426 ..., 466, 467, 468],
		[315, 377, 422 ..., 331, 338, 340]

	distances [
		[0.00000000e+00, ..., 1.23259516e-32],
		[5.83621524e-24, ..., 5.86302828e-24]