This software can be used to bounce ports on switches.
When deploying FreeRADIUS and kea with our roles and pointing switches to them, you can already dynamically assign users to VLANs using their MAC. However, moving them between VLANs will still require manual intervention as changing the RADIUS entries in the database will only apply on the next login. If only there was a way to force switches to reauth...
It turns out there is: RADIUS Change-of-Authorization, aka RADIUS CoA.
FreeRADIUS can consume this or send it via the radclient
command line which is
a little bit cumbersome to script. That's where this software comes in: You point
it to the RADIUS database, give it the CoA secret you set on the switches and it
will do everything for you. Specifically, there will be a table called bouncer_jobs
Insert a client's MAC and it's target VLAN into this table and bouncer will
- Find the client's RADIUS settings and update them to the new VLAN
- Figure out the current running RADIUS session it belongs to
- Send a CoA to the respective switch
At the moment, we use Cisco's proprietary AVPair
command, so the switch port will
physically toggle, therefore the client will also fetch a new DHCP lease if needed!
This requires golang >= 1.11 and optionally a debian machine/container, in case you want to build the package. You'll also need go-bindata in your path, just do
go get -u
in case you have $GOPATH/bin
in your path.
You'll then need to generate sources using
go generate
For the debian package:
dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc
Binary only:
go build -o bouncer