Byro Audio Speaker System, short BASS, is a "simple" audio player used to manage the speakers in our office.
Since it's only controllable over web socket, it's only useful in combination with a control interface such as our Web Interface.
Because we had the problem that only one person could control the speakers in our office at the same time and everyone else had to listen to their stuff. With BASS you can "drop" your music into a web interface and everyone who is connected can vote on the tracks in the playlist.
To see which audio formats are supported go take a look at lavaplayer since we are using it to fetch the audio streams.
To start BASS, simply run:
java -jar bass.jar
Then you can connect to it via web socket on port 8445
using our Web Interface
or you can implement your own control interface using the API.
Alternatively you can also run BASS inside Docker via:
sudo docker run --rm -d -v bass:/bass/data -p 8455:8455 --device /dev/snd
Which will map the bass
volume in the host system to /bass/data
in the container, where BASS puts its log files and database. Additionally it will expose the port 8455
and expose the audio devices to BASS.
Coming soon...
This is for enabling wss - Config file