My watches projects
Simple clocks on ATmega8 MCU + 7 segments display and 32 kHz resonant frequency crystal.
Device 3D view: Device schematic:
Simple clocks/room meteo station on Atmega8 + HD44780( 16x2 LCD) + DS3231 + DHT11/DHT22.
- Three information screens - time, temperature/temperature and humidity, date and day.
- Seven switching modes between information screens.
- Two alarms.
- Backlights brightness control.
- Monophonic alarm melody.
- Temperature measurement capability.
- Humidity measurement capability.
Simple clocks on STM32f103c8t6 + 3 8x8 LED matrices + DS3231 + metheo sensor.
- 24 x 8 display.
- 4 + 1 (user's custom) digit's fonts.
- Two alarms with selectable melody for each alarm.
- Temperature measurement capability.
- Humidity measurement capability.