To install the package from CRAN, run the script:
To use InSilicoVA, 'rJava' package is required and it requires Java 6 or above properly installed and linked to R. See the user manual for more detail.
Tyler H. McCormick, Zehang Richard Li, Clara Calvert, Amelia C. Crampin, Kathleen Kahn, and Samuel J. Clark. Probabilistic Cause-of-death Assignment using Verbal Autopsies. Journal of the American Statistical Association 111.515 (2016): 1036-1049.
If you hit the error message compaining about java heap size, e.g. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Try start a new R session and run this line of code before calling library(openVA)
or library(InSilicoVA)
options(java.parameters = c("-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"))