Here is uz.
A code learner. All soory is for the rubbish code I code.
Age 21. A collage student in Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering (ZHKU).
Supported language:
- 简体中文(zh-cn)
- 正體中文(zh-tw)
- English(en-us)
Coding language:
- Java / Kotlin
- C/C++ (little)
- Shell (little)
- Phones/Pads/PCs:
- Redmi Note 12T Pro (Pearl)
- Redmi K40 (alioth; or called POCO F3)
- Xiaomi 6X (wayne; or called Xiaomi A2)
- Apple iPad Air 5
- Dell G15 5515 Ryzen Edition (5800H with RTX3060)
- Routers:
- Xiaomi wr30u (mt7981)
- CMCC VS010 (ipq5000)
- Smart Devices:
- Miband 7 NFC
Here is the stats: