Insert chess pun here
####ToDo: add win, lose, draw enum for netgames Pressing canel when saving a log returns user to the game over option pane. game log save AI moves game log castling game log en passant game log pawn promotion game log display who won
####Changelog: Added three fold repetition. Game log working more or less. .cm3 log files are now formatted like this: "UID,X,Y,;nextUID,nextX,nextY,;" added a draw game option pane LogView added removed GameOverView and DrawView Ended timer ends game Networked code finished. Added Pawn promotion. Implemented piece lazy tiles methods. Added code for Marshaler and Networked Player Implemented GameModel Implemented GameBuilder Removed DrawView, GameOverView, and PawnPromotionView. Use JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() instead. Made SettingViews extend JPanel instead of JFrame. Created as the main entry point and to have a main JFrame. Changed MenuView to MainMenuView Checkmate class is saved in SettingsView so the View can be changed within each SettingsView. Removed Color enumeration.