koulutustarjonta-service Main service that provides an API for accessing education data
koulutustarjonta-update Update worker that handle integration to OPH
koulutustarjonta-common Common parts like DAO and domain packages that are used by both applications
Download Oracle XE 11g rpm Linux version from here and place the zip file into the oracle folder.
Start up Vagrant
cd vagrant
vagrant up
The project folder is mapped to /src folder in Vagrant.
cd vagrant
vagrant ssh
cd /src
Run database migration to create tables
./gradlew update
Start up the applications
./gradlew :koulutustarjonta-service:run
./gradlew :koulutustarjonta-update:run
You can start the update process by making a call in Vagrant to localhost:9090/update You can do this by executing
wget localhost:9090/update
Run all tests
./gradlew test
or for a single module eg.
./gradlew :koulutustarjonta-common:test
By default, tests are run agains local database runnin in Vagrant virtual machine. To run tests against some other database:
./gradlew test -Pdb.url=<jdbc url> -Pdb.user=<username> -Pdb.passwd=<password>
./gradlew clean rpm -Pdb.url=<jdbc url> -Pdb.user=<db user> -Pdb.passwd=<db password> -Papi.endpoint=<api endpoint> -Penv=<evnironment: dev|test|prod>
After RPMs have been built, the two applications can be deployed using ansible
ansible-playbook -i <inventory file> ansible/application-server-apps.yml -U <sudo user> -u <remote user>
Test environment doesn't update database automatically, it instead has to be updated by hand using command
./gradlew update -Pdb.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@torsu.it.helsinki.fi:1521:uhora -Pdb.user=<db user> -Pdb.passwd=<db password>