- Let’s make things pretty!
- This section covers, well, materials and effects.
- We will cover shaders and post processing.
- How to create particle systems.
- Match Standard Shader properties by their description.
- Define the Albedo of a material.
- Editing shader properties.
- Using textures in a material.
- Metallic and Smoothness properties.
- Introduction to Normal maps.
- Match Standard Shader properties by their description.
- Height vs normal maps.
- Occlusion and emission maps.
- Details maps and masks.
- Match Standard Shader properties by their description.
- Standard specular shader.
- Creating materials.
- Glass materials.
- Render modes: Fade vs Cutout vs Transparent
- Differentiate Image Effects by their results.
- Overview of the effects package.
- Bloom and glow effects.
- Sunshafts.
- Colour adjustment in Unity.
- Post-processed antialiasing.
- Differentiate Image Effects by their results.
- Overview of the effects package.
- Depth of field and vignetting effects.
- Motion blur and film noise.
- Edge detection and vortex effects.
- Explain particle system settings.
- Differentiate particle options by their result.
- Relating Emission Rate & Lifetime to Max Particles.
- Affecting particles with wind and gravity.
- Emitter meshes and their effects.
- Particle speed and direction.
- Billboard vs Mesh render modes.
- Explain particle system settings.
- Differentiate particle options by their result.
- Previewing particle systems in the scene.
- Varying properties over lifetime and speed.
- Color, size and rotation over lifetime.
- Using curves, gradients over lifetime.
- Random values between curves or gradients.
- Explain particle system settings.
- Differentiate particle options by their result.
- Duration, loop, prewarming and start delay.
- Rotation properties of billboards.
- Velocity inheritance, external forces, texture sheets.
- Collisions and sub emitters.