UniRep Social is a social media that is built upon the Unirep Protocol. The users of Unirep Social can publish posts, leave comments anonymously, and also give boost/squash to other users anonymously. User can also prove how much reputation he has when posting/commenting.
Install and build
yarn && yarn build
cd packages/core && npx hardhat node
in new terminal window, from root:
yarn core deploy
Copy the .env.example file to an .env
file in packages/backend
Then grant permission from Twitter and Github Oauth.
in new terminal window, from root, start a backend server by
yarn backend start
in new terminal window, from root,
yarn frontend start
It will be running at: by default.
Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to open any issue or send a pull request. Go to CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md to learn about how to contribute to Unirep project!
This project is supported by Privacy & Scaling Explorations in Ethereum Foundation. See more projects on: https://pse.dev/.