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INSTINCT - INS Toolkit for Integrated Navigation Concepts and Training

ci CodeQL codecov documentation

Flow-Based Navigation Software of the Institut of Navigation (INS) of the University of Stuttgart, Germany.



INSTINCT is a PNT software which implements a manifold of PNT algorithms (e.g. multi-sensor data fusion) while following the Flow-Based Programming paradigm. It can operate in real-time, interfacing to different sensors, or it can be used in post-processing mode for which data are read from files or generated from the software's own simulation tools.

The GUI provides a dataflow editor which can be used to connect Nodes (modules encapsuling functionality) and create custom-tailored applications. For performance, every Node runs in an own thread, providing parallelism out of the box.

If no GUI is required, the application can be run in --nogui mode and a .flow file can be loaded.

Getting Started

Read the documentation

Read the docs on

Working with the Repository

Git (either clone or update)
  • Clone the repository
    git clone --recurse-submodules <URL> INSTINCT
  • Update the repository
    git pull --recurse-submodules
    # If there where changes in the submodules
    git submodule deinit -f .    # completely "unbinds" all submodules
    git submodule update --init  # makes a fresh checkout of them
Build & run the main program
conan install . --build=missing -s build_type=Release -s compiler.cppstd=20
# Windows needs the argument -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="build/generators/conan_toolchain.cmake"
cmake --build build/Release --parallel8
Build & run the tests
conan install . --build=missing -s build_type=Release -s compiler.cppstd=20
# Windows needs the argument -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="build/generators/conan_toolchain.cmake"
cmake --build build/Release --parallel8
cd build/Release
ctest --output-on-failure
Build the documentation
conan install . --build=missing -s build_type=Release -s compiler.cppstd=20
# Windows needs the argument -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="build/generators/conan_toolchain.cmake"
cmake --build build/Release --target doc

The doxygen main page can then be opened under build/doc/html/index.html (an online documentation is available on GitHub pages)

Help message
INSTINCT - INS Toolkit for Integrated Navigation Concepts and Training

Allowed options:
  --config arg                       List of configuration files to read
                                     parameters from
  -v [ --version ]                   Display the version number
  -h [ --help ]                      Display this help message
  --sigterm                          Programm waits for -SIGUSR1 / -SIGINT /
  --duration arg (=0)                Program execution duration [sec]
  --nogui                            Launch without the gui
  --noinit                           Do not initialize flows after loading them
  -l [ --load ] arg                  Flow file to load
  --rotate-output                    Create new folders for output files
  -o [ --output-path ] arg (=logs)   Directory path for logs and output files
  -i [ --input-path ] arg (=data)    Directory path for searching input files
  -f [ --flow-path ] arg (=flow)     Directory path for searching flow files
  --implot-config arg (=implot.json) Config file to read implot settings from
  --console-log-level arg (=off)     Log level on the console  (possible
                                     values: trace/debug/info/warning/error/cri
  --file-log-level arg (=debug)      Log level to the log file (possible
                                     values: trace/debug/info/warning/error/cri
  --log-filter arg                   Filter for log messages

Development Environment Setup

Most library dependencies are managed by, so you just need to install the basics.


# Needed
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed base-devel cmake clang glfw-x11
yay -S --noconfirm --needed conan # AUR package
conan profile detect --force

# Documentation
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed doxygen pdf2svg texlive-most ghostscript

# Optional
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed ccache cppcheck

# Profiling (optional)
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed valgrind kcachegrind

Ubuntu 22.04

# Needed
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y build-essential clang clang-tidy clang-format cmake python3-pip libglfw3-dev libglfw3
pip3 install conan --user
conan profile detect --force

# Documentation (Ubuntu 22.04 has too old doxygen version)
sudo apt install -y pdf2svg texlive texlive-lang-german texlive-latex-extra ghostscript
sudo apt install -y flex bison graphviz mscgen dia # Build dependencies
wget -c -O - | tar -xz
cd doxygen-1.10.0 && mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .. && make && sudo make install

# Optional
sudo apt install ccache cppcheck

# Profiling (optional)
sudo apt install valgrind kcachegrind


# Basic
xcode-select --install
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update

# Needed
brew install cmake llvm conan glfw
ln -s "$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang-format" "/usr/local/bin/clang-format"
ln -s "$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang-tidy" "/usr/local/bin/clang-tidy"

# Documentation
brew install doxygen pdf2svg
# Also latex is needed to compile the formulas

# Optional
brew install ccache cppcheck

Windows 11

  • For development Windows Subsystem for Linux is recommended. Follow the Ubuntu instructions
  • For executing, INSTINCT can be compiled with MSVC

VSCode Configuration

Task overview

Hotkey Action Default
F5 Debug the project Default debug
F6 Run Task: DOXYGEN: Build Documentation Default build
F7 Run Task: MAIN: Build & run project Default test
F8 Open Task List
  • To start the GUI, execute the Task MAIN: Build & run project
  • If you have problems with the build, execute the Task CLEAN: Remove build files
  • If you want to provide tests, place them in the tests directory and execute them with the task TEST: Build & run


It is strongly recommended to use Visual Studio Code as IDE, as the needed project files are provided in the .vscode folder.

Recommended plugins for working with this project


Recommended changes to the User's settings.json (not the project .vscode/settings.json) in case you plan to contribute to the project.

"editor.formatOnType": true,
"doxdocgen.generic.authorEmail": "[email protected]",
"doxdocgen.generic.authorName": "Y. Name",

Recommended changes to the User's keybindings.json

        "key": "f6",
        "command": "",
        "when": "!inDebugMode"
        "key": "f8",
        "command": "-editor.action.marker.nextInFiles",
        "when": "editorFocus && !editorReadonly"
        "key": "f8",
        "command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask"
        "key": "f7",
        "command": "workbench.action.tasks.test"


  • Needed:
    • cmake A cross-platform open-source make system
    • C++ compiler (clang or gcc is recommended, but others work as well) for compiling the project
  • Optional:
    • Conan A distributed, open source, C/C++ package manager
    • clang-format Code formatting Tool
    • ccache Compiler cache that speeds up recompilation by caching previous compilations
    • valgrind CPU profiling & leak detection
    • kcachegrind Visualization of Performance Profiling Data
    • doxygen Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL and PHP
    • clang-tidy Clang-based C++ "linter" tool
    • cppcheck A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
  • Libraries (Install yourself and change cmake link targets or let them automatically be installed by Conan):
    • spdlog Fast C++ logging library License: MIT
    • fmt A modern formatting library License: MIT
    • Boost Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries License
    • Eigen C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms License: MPL 2.0
    • Catch2 Modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD License
    • nlohmann_json JSON for Modern C++ parser and generator. License: MIT
    • gcem GCE-Math (Generalized Constant Expression Math) is a templated C++ library enabling compile-time computation of mathematical functions. License
    • vnproglib VectorNav programming library License: MIT
    • Navio2 Collection of drivers and examples for Navio 2 - autopilot shield for Raspberry Pi. License
  • GUI (optional):
    • Dear ImGui Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies License: MIT
    • Node Editor in ImGui An implementation of node editor with ImGui-like API. License: MIT
    • ImPlot An immediate mode, GPU accelerated plotting library for Dear ImGui. License: MIT
    • ImGuiFileDialog A file selection dialog built for (and using only) Dear ImGui. License: MIT



This project is licensed under the MPL 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

If this license does not suit your needs, feel free to contact us for further details.