- How to test with Bugzilla in a local environment
- ECS deploy with
- You can either go the demo environment, described here for the functionalities that we currently in production.
- You can also go to Figma to see the things we are currently working on.
- Figma also has an android and iPhone version: Figma Mirror.
They are securely managed in AWS's parameter store. The variables are retrieved via an environment setup script, which is utilised by deploy.sh
For local development, use ./env-setup.bash
assuming you have been access to the uneet-dev
development environment.
Happens automatically on master on the development AWS account 8126-4485-3088
with AWS_PROFILE uneet-dev
. Travis CI deployments made via pull request will fail since it will
not have access to AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Production deployment on AWS account 1924-5899-3663 is done manually via
./deploy.sh -p
via the AWS_PROFILE aws-prod
only once the build is tagged.
cd .vscode; curl -O https://media.dev.unee-t.com/2018-07-05/launch.json
for example, edit this to point to where your browser binary livesnpm run debug
... you need to run this manually on the CLI- Meteor: Node to attach & debug server side
- Meteor: Chrome to debug client side
Frontend logs to the meteor log group in CloudWatch, which is controlled by the compose file.
The canonical master branch CI build location is https://unee-t-media.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/frontend/master.tar.gz
To discover other branches:
aws --profile uneet-dev s3 ls s3://unee-t-media/frontend/
Every commit is also uploaded to:
aws --profile uneet-dev s3 ls s3://unee-t-media/frontend/commit
Commits are expired after 90 days
Install Meteor
Install dependencies
npm install
npm start
Run in browser's developer console:
How to find user account on MongoDB given an email address [email protected]?
db.users.findOne({'emails.address': '[email protected]'})
- Make a backup snapshot of the development Mongo database using
meteor reset
to clear statenpm run start
to start the mongo servicemongorestore -h --port 3001 -d meteor $(date "+dev-%Y%m%d")/meteor
To check the current users, connect to your MongoDB and run:
db.users.find({}, {'emails.address': 1, _id: 0}).map(d => d.emails[0].address).join('\n')
If your Frontend datastore MongoDB out of sync with your Bugzilla database's profiles, you need to create the users in the users manually:
Accounts.createUser({ email: '[email protected]', password: 'leonel', profile: { bzLogin: '[email protected]', bzPass: 'leonel' }})
Ensure it worked by looking at the npm start
log. Next you might want to verify each user's email address.
db.users.update({'emails.address': '[email protected]'}, {$set : {'emails.0.verified': true}})
Refer to
though you need to tweak the
events to map
to the bugzillaCreds id from db.users.find().pretty()
Your .env
file is not set up correctly, consider ./env-setup.bash
The secret MAIL_URL environment variable configures the SMTP, so that email
notifications can be sent. For example in uneet-dev environment, it begins
and you can search for the Access key
IAM to determine if it's active
or not in https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ses/home?region=us-west-2#.
To help with debugging, there is a setup mail script to exercise MAIL_URL.