This is a lightweight integration plugin for Broot and neovim as a replacement of the NerdTree plugin
Sorry vim, you can use the plugin from broot.vim
Use your favorite plugin manager, e.g. packer.nvim
use 'skyuplam/broot.nvim'
use 'rbgrouleff/bclose.vim'
You need bclose.vim to close the opened buffer
Put this beside your Broot config, e.g. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/broot/nvim.hjson
override the default enter
key-binding to allow open with the running nvim
# $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/broot/nvim.hjson
verbs: [
invocation: terminal
key: enter
execution: ":print_path"
apply_to: file
When the plugin is installed, use :Broot
to launch Broot, and use the key-binding
to edit the file.