This code is a firmware for the STM32F1 that provides a MIDI-USB -> MIDI-Serial Converter and a MIDI-Serial -> MIDI-USB Converter. It can be used with the Arduino MIDI library.
The pins for the serial communication are A9 (Serial TX) and A10 (Serial RX). [USART1]
connect those pins to your MIDI device, but if you connect it to a genuine midi device you must change the baudrate to 31250 (current 115200)
Clone :
git clone
Go into the folder:
cd STM32F1_MIDI_Serial_Bridge
Clone submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Go into the "libopencm3" folder:
cd libopencm3/
Build "libopencm3":
If make isn't installed, you can install it with the following command (Ubuntu)
sudo apt install make
If make
doesn't work you may are missing the arm toolchain
to install the arm toolchain use this command (Ubuntu)
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi
Go in the "src" folder:
cd ../src/
Now you can use the Makefiles to build the firmware.
ST-util must be installed.
plug in the STM32 and run make
the script will compile the code and flash the binary file to the stm32
remove the Makefile and rename the Makefile.old to Makefile
or Build the bin firmware
make bin
-> *.bin
Flash with st-utils
Open a terminal (terminal1) and go to your *.elf file then type:
arm-none-eabi-gdb file.elf
Now open a new terminal (terminal2) and run the st-utils st-util
go back to terminal1 and type: tar extended-remote :4242
(4242 is the port st-util opens)
now write the file to the stm32 (terminal1) load