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Kathryn Tipton edited this page May 15, 2017 · 2 revisions


Turtle for Contributors
Turtle for Figures
Turtle for Tables
Turtle for Datasets
Turtle for Activities
Turtle for Chapters
Creating an Image
Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Image

Turtle for Contributors

@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix org: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dwc: <> .
@prefix doco: <> .
@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix biro: <> .
@prefix datacite: <> .
@prefix co: <> .
@prefix frbr: <> .
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix vivo: <> .
@prefix ext: <http://> .
@prefix meth: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix fabio: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix : <> .

      a prov:Activity;
      prov:wasAssociatedWith :kkunkel;
:kkunkel a prov:Agent;
   foaf:name "Kenneth Kunkel";
   prov:actedOnBehalfOf :cooperative-institute-climate-satellites-nc;

     prov:qualifiedAssociation [
        a prov:Association;
        prov:agent :kkunkel;
        prov:hadRole :scientist;
        prov:hadPlan :26fc56f4-b4e0-425b-adc8-14c6d961d558;

] .

:cooperative-institute-climate-satellites-nc a prov:Entity;
   foaf:name "CICS-NC".

Turtle for Figures

@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dwc: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix : <> .

   a prov:Entity; a gcis:Figure;
   gcis:isFigureOf <>;
   gcis:hasImage <>;
   dcterms:hasPart <>;
   gcis:isFigureOf <>;
   dcterms:isPartOf <>;
   gcis:hasImage <>;
   dcterms:hasPart <>;
   gcis:isFigureOf <>;
   dcterms:isPartOf <>;
   gcis:figureNumber "2.23"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:hasCaption "Recent variations of the Power Dissipation Index (PDI) in the North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific Oceans. PDI is an aggregate of storm intensity, frequency, and duration and provides a measure of total hurricane power over a hurricane season. There is a strong upward trend in Atlantic PDI, and a downward trend in the eastern North Pacific, both of which are well-supported by the reanalysis. Separate analyses (not shown) indicate a significant increase in the strength and in the number of the strongest hurricanes (Category 4 and 5) in the North Atlantic over this same time period. The PDI is calculated from historical data (IBTrACS&lt;tbib&gt;73711f67-22e4-469a-af2a-6a426e41f472&lt;/tbib&gt;) and from reanalyses using satellite data (UW/NCDC &amp;amp; ADT-HURSAT&lt;tbib&gt;6d2920f6-f06d-41fd-83e7-1fd61c40ae49&lt;/tbib&gt;&lt;sup&gt;,&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;tbib&gt;f748a8e5-7925-4fb4-a64c-57dd77279670&lt;/tbib&gt;). IBTrACS is the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship, UW/NCDC is the University of Wisconsin/NOAA National Climatic Data Center satellite-derived hurricane intensity dataset, and ADT-HURSAT is the Advanced Dvorak Technique–Hurricane Satellite dataset (Figure source: adapted from Kossin et al. 2007&lt;tbib&gt;6d2920f6-f06d-41fd-83e7-1fd61c40ae49&lt;/tbib&gt;)."^^xsd:string;                  
   dcterms:description "Recent variations of the Power Dissipation Index (PDI) in the North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific Oceans. PDI is an aggregate of storm intensity, frequency, and duration and provides a measure of total hurricane power over a hurricane season. There is a strong upward trend in Atlantic PDI, and a downward trend in the eastern North Pacific, both of which are well-supported by the reanalysis. Separate analyses (not shown) indicate a significant increase in the strength and in the number of the strongest hurricanes (Category 4 and 5) in the North Atlantic over this same time period. The PDI is calculated from historical data (IBTrACS&lt;tbib&gt;73711f67-22e4-469a-af2a-6a426e41f472&lt;/tbib&gt;) and from reanalyses using satellite data (UW/NCDC &amp;amp; ADT-HURSAT&lt;tbib&gt;6d2920f6-f06d-41fd-83e7-1fd61c40ae49&lt;/tbib&gt;&lt;sup&gt;,&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;tbib&gt;f748a8e5-7925-4fb4-a64c-57dd77279670&lt;/tbib&gt;). IBTrACS is the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship, UW/NCDC is the University of Wisconsin/NOAA National Climatic Data Center satellite-derived hurricane intensity dataset, and ADT-HURSAT is the Advanced Dvorak Technique–Hurricane Satellite dataset (Figure source: adapted from Kossin et al. 2007&lt;tbib&gt;6d2920f6-f06d-41fd-83e7-1fd61c40ae49&lt;/tbib&gt;)."^^xsd:string;      
   dcterms:created "2012-11-07T11:14:00"^^xsd:dateTime;      
   dcterms:identifier "observed-trends-in-hurricane-power-dissipation";                           
   gcis:northBoundLatitude ""^^xsd:float;
   dwc:decimalLatitude "";
   geo:lat "";
   gcis:southBoundLatitude ""^^xsd:float;
   dwc:decimalLatitude "";
   geo:lat "";
   gcis:westBoundLongitude ""^^xsd:float;
   dwc:decimalLongitude "";
   geo:long "";
   gcis:eastBoundLongitude ""^^xsd:float;
   dwc:decimalLongitude "";
   geo:long "";
   rdf:rest "23";
   dcterms:identifier "<:%= $figure->report_identifier %>"; 
   cito:cites "adapted from Kossin et al. 2007&lt;tbib&gt;6d2920f6-f06d-41fd-83e7-1fd61c40ae49&lt;/tbib&gt;";
   dcterms:dateSubmitted ""^^xsd:dateTime;     
   dcterms:date ""^^xsd:date;
   gcis:startedAt ""^^xsd:dateTime;     
   gcis:endedAt ""^^xsd:dateTime;            
   dcterms:title "Observed Trends in Hurricane Power Dissipation"^^xsd:string;                
   rdfs:label "Observed Trends in Hurricane Power Dissipation"^^xsd:string;
   prov:label "Observed Trends in Hurricane Power Dissipation"^^xsd:string.

        prov:wasDerivedFrom <> .

<> a prov:Entity; a gcis:Chapter; a bibo:Chapter; a gcis:Publication.

<>a prov:Entity; a gcis:Image; a bibo:Image; a gcis:Publication; a dcmitype:Image.

<> a prov:Entity; a gcis:Report; a bibo:Report; a gcis:Publication.

<> a prov:Entity; a bibo:Article.

Turtle for Tables

@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> 
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <> .

   a prov:Entity, gcis:Table;
   gcis:isTableOf <>;
   dcterms:isPartOf <>;
   gcis:isTableOf <>;
   gcis:hasCaption "relates to overall national expectations based on Angel and Kunkel 2010 &lt;tbib&gt;74461848-086f-4ea7-b3b3-e1693e3a21d8&lt;/tbib&gt; and as postulated by chapter authors. This  
kind of matrix is likely to be most valuable and accurate if used at the state/regional/local levels. (Source: Matrix format adapted from McLaughlin et al. 2011 &lt;tbib&gt;39ae0c82-cd8f-41e9- 
   dcterms:description "relates to overall national expectations based on Angel and Kunkel 2010 &lt;tbib&gt;74461848-086f-4ea7-b3b3-e1693e3a21d8&lt;/tbib&gt; and as postulated by chapter authors.  
This kind of matrix is likely to be most valuable and accurate if used at the state/regional/local levels. (Source: Matrix format adapted from McLaughlin et al. 2011 &lt;tbib&gt;39ae0c82-cd8f-41e9 
   dcterms:identifier ":national-expectations";
   dcterms:title "National Expectations"^^xsd:string;
   rdfs:label "National Expectations"^^xsd:string;
   prov:label "National Expectations"^^xsd:string.

Turtle for Datasets

@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dwc: <> .
@prefix datacite: <> .
@prefix ext: <http://> .
@prefix geo: <> .

   a prov:Entity, dcmitype:Dataset, dcat:Dataset, gcis:Dataset;
   datacite:identifier ":/dataset/nca3-gpwv3-r201211";   
   datacite:AlternateResourceIdentifier "Unknown";
   dcterms:date "2012-11-18T00:00:00"^^xsd:date;
   datacite:doi "";
   dcterms:description "Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3) consists of estimates of human population for the years 1990, 1995, and 2000 by 2.5 arc-minute grid cells and associated data sets dated circa 2000. A proportional allocation gridding algorithm, utilizing more than 300,000 national and sub-national administrative units, is used to assign population values to grid cells. The population count grids contain estimates of the number of persons per grid cell. The grids are available in various GIS-compatible data formats and geographic extents (global, continent [Antarctica not included], and country levels). GPWv3 is produced by the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) in collaboration with Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)."^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:hasVersion "3.00";
   dcterms:subject "Population count for the years 1990, 1995, and 2000"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:accessURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI.
   gcis:northBoundLatitude "85.0";
   gcis:southBoundLatitude "-85.0"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:westBoundLongitude 180.0""^^xsd:float;
   gcis:eastBoundLongitude "-180.0"^^xsd:float;
   dwc:year "2005"^^xsd:gYear;
   gcis:spatialExtents "maximum_latitude: 85; minimum_latitude: -58; maximum_longitude: 180; minimum_longitude: -180;"; 
   dcterms:spatial "maximum_latitude: 85; minimum_latitude: -58; maximum_longitude: 180; minimum_longitude: -180;";
   dwc:gedeticDatum "wgs84";
   gcis:spatialResolution "30 m"^^xsd:string;
   ext:StartTime "1990-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:time;
   ext:EndTime "2000-12-31T00:00:00"^^xsd:time;
   gcis:startedAt "1990-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:time;
   gcis:endedAt "2000-12-31T00:00:00"^^xsd:time;
   gcis:TemporalExtents "1990-01-01T00:00:00 2000-12-31T00:00:00";
   dcterms:temporal "1990-01-01T00:00:00 2000-12-31T00:00:00";
   dcterms:PeriodOfTime "1990-01-01T00:00:00 2000-12-31T00:00:00";
   dcterms:verticalExtents "30 m";
   cito:citesAsMetadataDocument "Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University; and Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). 2005. Gridded Population of the World Version 3 (GPWv3): Population Count Grid. Palisades, NY: Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC), Columbia University. Available at”.

Turtle for Activities

@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix ext: <http://> .
@prefix meth: <> .
@prefix fabio: <> .
@prefix : <> .

   a prov:Activity, :/activity/testactivity;
   dcterms:identifier :/activity/006264b2-nca3-cmip3-r201205-process;
   prov:startedAtTime "2012-04-15T13:00:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   ext:StartTime "2012-04-15T13:00:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   prov:endedAtTime "2012-04-15T14:30:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   ext:EndTime "2012-04-15T14:30:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   dcterms:SizeOrDuration "100 hours"^^xsd:string;
   fabio:DataFile "pr_sresa2";
   prov:generated "pr_sresa2";
   dcmitype:software "linux";
   gcis:Software "linux";
   meth:Methodology "1. For each model at each grid point, the mean winter precipitation under the higher emissions scenario"^^xsd:string;

pr_sresa2 a prov:Entity;
  foaf:name "".

linux a prov:Entity;
   foaf:name "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4".

Turtle for Chapters

@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : < > .

   a prov:Entity, gcis:Chapter, bibo:Chapter, gcis:Publication;
   dcterms:identifier "our-changing-climate";
   gcis:chapterNumber "2"^^xsd:integer;
   dcterms:title "Our Changing Climate"^^xsd:string;
   prov:label "Our Changing Climate"^^xsd:string;
   rdfs:label "Our Changing Climate"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:isChapterOf :report/nca3;
   dcterms:isPartOf :report/nca3;
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   gcis:hasFigure :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/figure/ten-indicators-of-a-warming-world;
   dcterms:hasPart :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/figure/ten-indicators-of-a-warming-world;
   gcis:hasFigure :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/figure/global-temperature-and-carbon-dioxide;
   gcis:hasFigure :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/figure/separating-human-and-natural-influences-on-climate;
   dcterms:hasPart :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/figure/separating-human-and-natural-influences-on-climate;
   gcis:hasFinding :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/finding/global-climate-is-changing;
   gcis:hasFinding :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/finding/global-climate-this-century;
   gcis:hasFinding :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/finding/us-temperature-increased;
   gcis:hasFinding :report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/finding/frost-free-season-length-increasing.

   a prov:Entity, gcis:Figure.
   a prov:Entity, gcis:Figure.
   a prov:Entity, gcis:Figure.

   a prov:Entity, gcis:Finding.
   a prov:Entity, gcis:Finding.
   a prov:Entity, gcis:Finding.
   a prov:Entity, gcis:Finding.

Creating an Image

This example describes the creation of the image

@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <> .
@prefix nca3 : <>

   a prov:Entity; a gcis:Image;

# An identifier, title and description of the image.
   dcterms:identifier :26fc56f4-b4e0-425b-adc8-14c6d961d558;
   gcis:description "Carbon dioxide impacts temperatures"^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:title "Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide"^^xsd:string;      

# This image is part of a figure
   dcterms:isPartOf nca3:/figure/global-temperature-and-carbon-dioxide;
nca3:/figure/global-temperature-and-carbon-dioxide a prov:Entity, a gcis:figure.

# It was created on July 31, 2013 at 14:30:05
   dcterms:created "2013-07-31T14:30:05"^^xsd:dateTime;

# Lat/longs
   gcis:northBoundLatitude "90.00"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:southBoundLatitude "-90.00^^"xsd:float;
   gcis:westBoundLongitude "180.00"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:eastBoundLongitude "-180.00"^^xsd:float;

# The timerange represented by the data in the image.
   gcis:startedAt "1880-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   gcis:endedAt "2012-12-31T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime;

# This image was derived from two datasets
        prov:wasDerivedFrom :/dataset/nca3-ncdc-gst-anomalies-r201307;
        prov:wasDerivedFrom :/dataset/nca3-epi-co2-r201307.
nca3:/dataset/nca3-ncdc-gst-anomalies-r201307 a gcis:dataset.
nca3:/dataset/nca3-epi-co2-r201307 a gcis:dataset.

Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Image

On July 31, 2013, Kenneth Kunkel, a scientist with CICS-NC, created an image entitled "Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide", which appears in the "Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide" figure, which is Figure 2.2 in the [Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3)] ( This figure is found in Chapter 2 of the NCA3. Titled "Our Changing Climate," [Chapter 2] ( of the NCA3 was written in-part by [John Walsh] ( and [Donald Wuebbles] (, both of whom work at the [University of Illinois] ( The image covers the entire globe, from the years 1880-2012.

The image was created from a NOAA dataset and a dataset from the Earth Policy Institute. These datasets were created by plotting a time series and subsequently plotting another time series, respectively. These activities were performed in a Mac OS/X environment and each took 6 hours to perform.

@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix cito: <> . 
@prefix dbpedia: <> .
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix dwc: <> .
@prefix fabio: <> .
@prefix faogeopolitical: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix org: <> .
@prefix places: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix vivo: <> .
@base <> .

   a prov:Entity, gcis:Image, bibo:Image, fabio:Image, gcis:Publication, dcmitype:Image;
   dcterms:identifier "26fc56f4-b4e0-425b-adc8-14c6d961d55";
   dcterms:title "Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide"^^xsd:string;      
   gcis:isImageOf <report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/figure/global-temperature-and-carbon-dioxide>;
   gcis:isImageOf <report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate>;  ## chapter housing image
   gcis:isImageOf <report/nca3>;                               ## report (having chapter) housing image
   dcterms:created "2013-07-31T14:30:05"^^xsd:dateTime;
   gcis:description "Carbon dioxide impacts temperatures"^^xsd:string;  
   prov:wasDerivedFrom <dataset/nca3-ncdc-gst-anomalies-r201307>;  ## image derived from a dataset
   prov:wasDerivedFrom <dataset/nca3-epi-co2-r201307>;          ## image derived from a second dataset
   gcis:northBoundLatitude "90.00"^^xsd:float;    ## max and min. coordinates for area represented by image
   gcis:southBoundLatitude "-90.00"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:westBoundLongitude "180.00"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:eastBoundLongitude "-180.00"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:startedAt "1880-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime; ## temporal domain for contents in image
   gcis:endedAt "2012-12-31T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime;
   dcterms:subject "temperature, carbon dioxide, global, observed"^^xsd:string.  ## attributes

<report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate/figure/global-temperature-and-carbon-dioxide> ##The aforementioned
                                                                                 ## figure housing the image
   a prov:Entity, fabio:Figure, gcis:figure; 
   dcterms:identifier "global-temperature-and-carbon-dioxide";
   dcterms:title "Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:isFigureOf <report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate>;
   gcis:isFigureOf <report/nca3>;
   gcis:hasImage <image/26fc56f4-b4e0-425b-adc8-14c6d961d558>;
   rdf:value "2.2"^^xsd:float;
   gcis:hasCaption "Global annual average temperature (as measured over both land and oceans) has increased by more than 1.5°F (0.8°C) since 1880 (through 2012). Red bars show temperatures above the long-term average, and blue bars indicate temperatures below the long-term average. The black line shows atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) concentration in parts per million (ppm). While there is a clear long-term global warming trend, some years do not show a temperature increase relative to the previous year, and some years show greater changes than others. These year-to-year fluctuations in temperature are due to natural processes, such as the effects of El Niños, La Niñas, and volcanic eruptions. (Figure source: updated from Karl et al. 2009&lt;tbib&gt;e251f590-177e-4ba6-8ed1-6f68b5e54c8a&lt;/tbib&gt;)."^^xsd:string;                  
   dcterms:created "2013-11-06T09:53:23"^^xsd:dateTime;                                    
   cito:cites "updated from Karl et al. 2009&lt;tbib&gt;e251f590-177e-4ba6-8ed1-6f68b5e54c8a&lt;/tbib&gt;".                   
<report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate>  ## the chapter in the NCA3 report in which the image is located
   a prov:Entity, gcis:Chapter, bibo:Chapter, gcis:Publication;
   dcterms:identifier "our-changing-climate";
   gcis:chapterNumber "2"^^xsd:integer;
   dcterms:title "Our Changing Climate"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:ischapterOf <report/nca3>;
   gcis:hasURL "";
   prov:wasAttributedTo <person/1009>;
   prov:wasAttributedTo <person/1008>;
              prov:qualifiedAttribution [
                 a prov:Attribution;
                 prov:agent <person/1009>;
                 prov:hadRole "Convening Lead Author"^^xsd:string;
              prov:qualifiedAttribution [
                 a prov:Attribution;
                 prov:agent <person/1008>;
                 prov:hadRole "Convening Lead Author"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:hasFinding <finding/global-climate-is-changing>^^xsd:string.

<report/nca3>    ## The NCA3 report described in first large batch of turtle above
   a prov:Entity, gcis:Report, bibo:Report, gcis:Publication;
   dcterms:identifier "nca3";    
   dcterms:title "Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment"^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:description "The National Climate Assessment summarizes the impacts of climate change on the United States, now and in the future. A team of more than 300 experts guided by a 60-member Federal Advisory Committee produced the report, which was extensively reviewed by the public and experts, including federal agencies and a panel of the National Academy of Sciences."^^xsd:string;
   dwc:year "2014"^^xsd:gYear;
   gcis:hasURL "";
   dcterms:type "assessment";
   gcis:hasChapter <report/nca3/chapter/our-changing-climate> .

<finding/global-climate-is-changing>  ## the finding related to the chapter listed above
   a prov:Entity, gcis:finding; 
   dcterms:identifier "global-climate-is-changing"; 
   rdfs:label "Global climate is changing and this change is apparent across a wide range of observations.  The global warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human activities."^^xsd:string;   
   gcis:isFindingOf <report/chapter/our-changing-climate>;
   gcis:confidence "high"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:descriptionOfEvidenceBase "The Key Message and Supporting Text Summaries..."^^xsd:string;
   rdf:rest "1";
   gcis:findingProcess "Development of the Key Messages..."^^xsd:string;
   gcis:newInformationAndRemainingUncertainties "Key Remaining Uncertainties Relate"^^xsd:string.
<dataset/nca3-ncdc-gst-anomalies-r201307>      ##dataset 1 from which the image was derived.
   a dcat:dataset, dcmitype:dataset, gcis:dataset, prov:Entity;
   dcterms:title "NCDC Global Surface Temperature Anomalies";
   dcterms:issued "2013"^^xsd:gYear;
   gcis:accessURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   dcterms:description "The global time series is produced from the Smith and Reynolds blended land and ocean data set (Smith et al., 2008). Global-average anomalies are calculated on an annual time scale. The global anomalies are provided with respect to the period 1901-2000, the 20th century average.\r\n\r\nLand surface temperatures are from the Global Historical Climate Network-Monthly (GHCN-M). Sea surface temperatures are determined using the extended reconstructed sea surface temperature (ERSST) analysis. ERSST uses the most recently available International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) and statistical methods that allow stable reconstruction using sparse data. Due to very sparse data, no global averages are computed before 1880. With more observations after 1880, the signal is stronger and more consistent over time.\r\n\r\n";
   gcis:hasSpatialExtent "maximum_latitude: 90.00; minimum_latitude: -90.00; maximum_longitude: 180.00; minimum_longitude: -180.00;";
   gcis:hasTemporalExtents "1880-01-01T00:00:00 2012-12-31T23:59:59".

<dataset/nca3-epi-co2-r201307>  ## dataset 2 from which the image was derived
   a dcat:dataset, dcmitype:dataset, gcis:dataset, prov:Entity;
   dcterms:title "Earth Policy Institute Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, 1000-2012";
   gcis:accessURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   dcterms:description "Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration for the years 1000-2012.  Source: Compiled by Earth Policy Institute, with long term historical data from Worldwatch Institute, based on Thomas A. Boden et al., Trends '93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change (Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, September 1994), and J.T. Houghton et al., eds., Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change, Contribution of Working Group I to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996); 1959 to 2012 from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory,"; 
   dcterms:issued "2013"^^xsd:gYear; 
   gcis:hasSpatialExtent "maximum_latitude: 90.00; minimum_latitude: -90.00; maximum_longitude: 180.00; minimum_longitude: -180.00;";
   gcis:hasTemporalExtents "1000-01-01T00:00:00 2012-12-31T23:59:59".
<activity/26fc56f4-nca3-ncdc-gst-anomalies-r201307-process>   ## Activity 1, the activity by 
                                                        ## which the image was created using dataset 1
   a gcis:activity;                                                            
   dcterms:identifier "26fc56f4-nca3-ncdc-gst-anomalies-r201307-process";    
   dcterms:SizeOrDuration "6 hours"^^xsd:string;   
   fabio:ComputerFile <Atmos_CO2_conc_1000-2012.xlsx\r\n1880-2012.csv\r\nCS_global temp and co2_1880-2012_original.xlsx\r\nCS_global temp and co2 1880-2012 V3.png>; ## names of output datafiles
   dcmitype:InteractiveResource <MAC_OS_X_(darwin_x86_64_m64)>"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:software <Microsoft_Excel_for_Mac_2011_Version_14.3.9>;
   meth:Methodology "No additional methods were applied.";
   prov:wasAttributedTo: <person/1025>;
   prov:used :dataset/nca3-epi-co2-r201307
            prov:qualifiedAttribution [
              a prov:attribution;
              prov:agent <person/1025>;
              prov:hadRole "scientist";
              ] .
<activity/26fc56f4-nca3-ncdc-gst-anomalies-r201307-process>     ## Activity 2, the activity
                                                          ## by which the image was created using dataset 2
   a gcis:activity;
   dcterms:identifier "26fc56f4-nca3-epi-co2-r201307-process";
   dcterms:SizeOrDuration "6 hours"^^xsd:string;   
   fabio:ComputerFile "Atmos_CO2_conc_1000-2012.xlsx\r\n1880-2012.csv\r\nCS_global temp and co2_1880-2012_original.xlsx\r\nCS_global temp and co2 1880-2012 V3.png"; ## names of output datafiles
   dcmitype:InteractiveResource "MAC OS X (darwin x86_64 m64)"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:software <Microsoft_Excel_for_Mac_2011_Version_14.3.9>;
   meth:Methodology "No additional methods were applied." ;
   prov:wasAttributedTo: <person/1025>;
   prov:used <dataset/nca3-epi-co2-r201307>;
            prov:qualifiedAttribution [
              a prov:attribution;
              prov:agent <person1025;
              prov:hadRole "scientist";
              ] .

<person/1025>      ## Description of the person, Ken Kunkel, behind the activity.
   a prov:Person, foaf:Person, gcis:Agent;
   dcterms:identifier "1025";
   foaf:firstName "Kenneth";
   foaf:lastName "Kunkel";
   vivo:orcidId "0000-0001-6667-7047";
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   gcis:worksAt <organization/cooperative-institute-climate-satellites-nc>. 

<organization/cooperative-institute-climate-satellites-nc>  ## Ken. Kunkel's organization
   a gcis:Organization, org:Organization, prov:Organization, foaf:Organization, gcis:Agent;
   dcterms:identifier "cics-nc";
   skos:prefLabel "Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites - NC";
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   dwc:countryCode "US".

<person/1009>                       ## Information about John Walsh, a co-author of NCA Chapter 2
   a prov:Person, foaf:Person, gcis:Agent;   
   dcterms:identifier "1009";
   foaf:firstName "John";
   foaf:lastName "Walsh";
   vivo:orcidId "0000-0003-2424-5208";
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   gcis:worksAt <organization/university-illinois>. 

<organization/university-illinois>  ## person/1009 (John Walsh's) organizations
   a gcis:Organization, org:Organization, prov:Organization, foaf:Organization, gcis:Agent;
   dcterms:identifier "university-illinois";
   skos:prefLabel "University of Illinois";
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   dwc:countryCode "US".

<person/1008>                      ## Information about Don Wuebbles, a co-author of NCA Chapter 2
   a prov:Person, foaf:Person, gcis:Agent;   
   dcterms:identifier "1008";
   foaf:firstName "Donald";
   foaf:lastName "Wuebbles";
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   gcis:worksAt <organization/university-illinois>. 

<organization/cooperative-institute-climate-satellites-nc> ## Like J. Walsh, D. Wuebbles works at the Univ. of 
                                                           ## Illinois
   a gcis:Organization, org:Organization, prov:Organization, foaf:Organization, gcis:Agent;
   dcterms:identifier "university-illinois";
   skos:prefLabel "University of Illinois";
   gcis:hasURL ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   dwc:countryCode "US".

<output_files/Atmos_CO2_conc_1000-2012.xlsx\r\n1880-2012.csv\r\nCS_global_temp_and_co2_1880-2012_original.xlsx\r\nCS_global_temp_and_co2_1880-2012_V3.png>  ## data files that were outputted from the
                                                                ## activity
   a prov:Entity.  

<computing_env/Mac_OSX_(darwin_x86_64_m64)> ## computing environment in which the activity was performed
   a dcmitype:InteractiveResource.

<software/Microsoft_Excel_for_Mac_2011_Version_14.3.9> ## software used in the two activities
   a prov:Entity, gcis:software, dbpedia:software.

<country/US>                                           ## the US, where the University of Illinois is 
                                                       ## situated.  
   a dwc:countryCode, prov:Entity, dbpedia:Country, places:country;
   faogeopolitical:nameList "the United States of America"^^xsd:string.