# we must manually render because
# `quarto preview` doesn't run the pre-render
quarto render && quarto preview
# NOTE: This project uses caching to speed up rendering.
# --no-cache is needed if the data changes.
quarto render . --no-cache && quarto preview .
# deploy
quarto publish
Data goes through multiple cleaning steps, and quarto render
may fail if these run in the wrong order.
quarto render sites_qc.qmd --no-cache
:Unified_WQ_Database...csv -- sites_qc --> df_cleaned_01.csv
Rscript R/generate_param_reports.r
quarto render parameter_reports --no-cache
:df_cleaned_01.csv -- parameter boundary filtering --> df_cleaned_02.csv
quarto render . --no-cache
: will run the above again and recreate the same csv files