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Releases: USEPA/emf

Version 3.9.1 - 06/07/2021

07 Jun 20:45
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  • Temporarily remove accessibility updates to the data viewer and editor tables that cause issues with the column headers scrolling in Java 8

Upgrading from v3.9

Download the necessary update files

New client JAR files


EMF server updates

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.9.1 - 06/07/2021' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Version 3.9 - 05/30/2021

31 May 00:18
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  • Update design capacity checks in cost equations to check that values are greater than 0.1 MW/hr rather than just greater than 0
  • Ensure all design capacity checks in cost equations use consistent units
  • Add design capacity check to equation type 2a to be consistent with other equation type 2 variants
  • Fix errors running control strategies by truncating SCC descriptions when creating result datasets


  • Fix issues with window focus when closing windows
  • Enhancements to keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility
  • Change default sizes of windows to better fit contents
  • Enable the User's Guide option in the Help menu
  • Add shortcut Ctrl+Shift-S to open the Status window
  • Automatically open the Dataset Manager window when starting the EMF Client
  • Check for spaces in filenames when trying to upload or import files

Upgrading from v3.8

Download the necessary update files

Control measure database updates


New server WAR file


New client JAR files


Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Update stored procedures:

\i cost_equations_v2.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_worksheet.sql
\i run_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i run_multi_pollutant_max_emis_red_strategy.sql

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.9 - 05/30/2021' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new analysis-engine.jar and epa-commons.jar files into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Reload CMDB

If you have custom control measures in your CMDB, first export these measures, so you can reload them after the main update.

Load the updated control measure database from the set of files. Purge all existing measures during the import step.

After loading the default CMDB, re-import any custom control measures.

Version 3.8 - 03/08/2021

30 May 21:48
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  • Log inventory sources with >= 100% control and non-zero emissions in the Strategy Messages dataset
  • Update calculation of projected inventory percent reduction for add-on controls
  • Update check for existing control at >= 100% when considering replacements in PFYI strategy
  • Add equation type 2c based on existing type 2 with design capacity in HP


  • Enhancements to keyboard-only navigation
  • Label error messages that were previously only indicated by color

Upgrading from v3.7

Download the necessary update files

Control measure database updates



New server WAR file


New client JAR files


Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Add Equation Type 2c and its parameters:

\i Cost_Schema_Upgrade_v3_8.sql

Update stored procedures:

\i cost_equations_v2.sql
\i create_projected_future_year_inventory.sql
\i populate_project_future_year_inventory_strategy_messages.sql
\i populate_strategy_messages.sql
\i run_project_future_year_inventory.sql

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.8 - 03/08/2021' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new analysis-engine.jar and epa-commons.jar files into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Reload CMDB

If you have custom control measures in your CMDB, first export these measures, so you can reload them after the main update.

Load the updated control measure database from the set of files. Purge all existing measures during the import step.

After loading the default CMDB, re-import any custom control measures.

Version 3.7 - 08/17/2020

18 Aug 00:31
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  • Add search options when selecting control programs for Project Future Year Inventory control strategies, and in the Control Program Manager
  • Add .csv suffix when exporting various control strategy result datasets
  • Fix issue saving edited control measure equation changes
  • Fix end condition for least cost narrowing algorithm
  • Add option to include dataset_id column when exporting flexible format datasets from control strategies
  • Update naming for combined strategy detailed results file to use control strategy name


  • Update case job cancelling for jobs that are started locally (not via SSH)

Upgrading from v3.6

Download the necessary update files

Control measure database updates


New server WAR file


New client JAR files


Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Add EXPORT_SUFFIX keyword for control strategy result types:

\i Cost_Schema_Upgrade_v3_7.sql

Update stored procedures:

\i narrow_in_on_least_cost_target.sql

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.7 - 08/17/2020' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new epa-commons.jar file into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Version 3.6 - 05/15/2020

16 May 00:55
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  • Fix a memory issue when creating controlled inventories from Least Cost control strategies
  • Clarify the description of replacement control measure handling on the Control Strategy Constraints tab
  • Update control strategies to not apply controls to inventory sources with existing control efficiencies over 100%
  • Update cost equation type 2b to only apply to sources whose design capacity is less than 1500 HP
  • Fix description for cost equation type 1
  • Add option to export multiple Strategy Detailed Results in a single file
  • Add quick search to the Control Strategy Manager window


  • Add quick search to the Dataset Type Manager window

Upgrading from v3.5

Download the necessary update files

Control measure database updates


New server WAR file


New client JAR files


Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Update stored procedures:

\i cost_equations_v2.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_worksheet.sql
\i run_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i run_multi_pollutant_max_emis_red_strategy.sql

Update equation description:

UPDATE emf.equation_types SET equation =
'Scaling Factor = (Model Plant boiler capacity / MW) ^ (Scaling Factor Exponent)
Capital Cost = Capital Cost Multiplier x Design Capacity x Scaling Factor x 1,000
Fixed O&M = Fixed O&M Cost Multiplier x Design Capacity x Scaling Factor x 1,000
Variable O&M = Variable O&M Cost Multiplier x Design Capacity x Capacity Factor x 8,760'
WHERE name = 'Type 1';

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.6 - 05/15/2020' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new epa-commons.jar file into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Version 3.5 - 10/23/2019

24 Oct 02:48
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  • Update reference year cost-per-ton storage to use double precision
  • Update implicit price deflators, used for cost year conversions, using values from August 2019
  • Simplify cost equation type 8 (used for non-EGU PM2.5 controls) and add a new equation type 20 (used for ICI boilers)
  • Revisions to the control measure database
  • Add additional columns to the Control Strategy Detailed Result Extended dataset type, to contain inventory data used in cost equation calculations
  • Fix errors running control strategies on inventories with no sector set

Upgrading from v3.4

Download the necessary update files

Control measure database updates



New server WAR file


New client JAR file


Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Update database schema, add equation types, add columns to strategy detail result dataset type:
Update reference year cost-per-ton data type:

\i Cost_Schema_Upgrade_v3_5.sql

Load updated implicit price deflators:

\i update_gdplev_values.sql

Update stored procedures:

\i apply_cap_measures_on_hap_pollutants.sql
\i cost_equations_v2.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_detailed_result.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_worksheet.sql
\i run_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i run_multi_pollutant_max_emis_red_strategy.sql

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.5 - 10/23/2019' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Reload CMDB

If you have custom control measures in your CMDB, first export these measures, so you can reload them after the main update.

Load the updated control measure database from the set of files. Purge all existing measures during the import step.

After loading the default CMDB, re-import any custom control measures.

Version 3.4 - 10/10/2019

10 Oct 22:55
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  • New option to export a specific version of a module type
  • Updates to support dataset matching when importing modules via the case manager
  • Support for exporting and importing composite modules
  • New search option in module manager
  • Allow modules with optional, unset input datasets to be finalized

Upgrading from v3.3

Download the necessary update files

New server WAR file


New client JAR files


Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Update case table:

ALTER TABLE cases.output_queue ADD COLUMN target_version integer;

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.4 - 10/10/2019' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new epa-commons.jar file into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Version 3.3 - 03/25/2019

25 Mar 16:52
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  • Now requires Java 8 or higher
  • Updated to work with Java 9 and higher, which supports HiDPI displays on Windows
  • New version of the EMF Client Installer available to work with Java 9 and higher


  • Removed out-of-date control strategy types (Annotate Inventory and Apply Measures In Series)
  • Removed fixed 3% interest rate calculations from control strategies
  • Relabeled columns in control strategy summaries and worksheets to match FF10 inventory terminology
  • Allow control strategies to be run even if the input inventories don't have sectors set

Module system

  • Reduced the maximum length allowed for module dataset and parameter names to avoid truncation when running the module
  • Allow required module datasets to be unset
  • Added option for admin users to delete module history records
  • Reworked how the module history is fetched to speed up viewing and editing modules
  • Added option to use module parameters in dataset placeholder names
  • Updates to work with Postgres 10

Upgrading from v3.2

Download the necessary update files

Control strategy updates


New server WAR file


New client JAR files


Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Fix control technology name:

UPDATE emf.control_technologies
SET name = 'Excess O2 Control'
WHERE name = 'Excess O3 Control';

Mark control measures as obsolete:

UPDATE emf.control_measures
SET cm_class_id = (SELECT id FROM emf.control_measure_classes WHERE name = 'Obsolete')
WHERE abbreviation LIKE 'SICIRIB%';

Remove 3pct columns from Strategy Detail Results dataset type:

DELETE FROM emf.fileformat_columns
WHERE file_format_id = (SELECT id FROM emf.file_formats WHERE name = 'Control Strategy Detailed Result Extended')
AND name IN ('annual_cost_3pct', 'eff_ann_cost_per_ton_3pct', 'annualized_capital_cost_3pct');

Use CSV exporter for Strategy Messages dataset type:

UPDATE emf.dataset_types
SET exporter_classname = ''
WHERE name = 'Strategy Messages (CSV)';

Update stored procedures:

\i populate_least_cost_strategy_detailed_result.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_worksheet.sql
\i populate_project_future_year_inventory_strategy_messages.sql
\i populate_strategy_messages.sql
\i run_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i run_multi_pollutant_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i validate_project_future_year_inventory_control_programs.sql

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.3 - 03/25/2019' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new epa-commons.jar file into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Version 3.2 - 08/16/2018

16 Aug 21:13
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  • Added ability for admin users to edit dataset type column defintions for Flexible File Format-based dataset types
  • Improved error messages displayed when importing datasets
  • Added new option to export and import non-composite modules
  • When exporting modules, added option to export all the input datasets associated with the selected modules
  • Removed dataset types that can't be imported from the Import Window dataset type pull-down menu
  • Added a message explaining why a new dataset version can't be created if there are no existing final versions of the dataset


  • Created a new Control Strategy Detailed Result dataset type that uses column names consistent with the Flat File 2010 inventory formats
  • Added the term "effective" to emission reduction and annual cost per ton column names in the new strategy detailed result dataset type
  • Updated all control strategy types to output the new detailed result dataset type
  • Created QA step templates for the new detailed result dataset type based on the old dataset type
  • Added check to prevent users from trying to create controlled/projected inventories with old strategy detailed results datasets

Upgrading from v3.1

Download the necessary update files

Dataset type updates


Control strategy updates


New server WAR file


New client JAR files


Create the new Control Strategy Detailed Result Extended dataset type

Using the Dataset Type manager, create a new dataset type named "Control Strategy Detailed Result Extended". Set the type to be derived from the Flexible File Format. For the file format Definition File, use the control_strategy_detailed_result_extended.csv file you downloaded.

Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Add keywords and QA step templates for the dataset type:

\i Cost_Schema_Upgrade_v3_2.sql

Update stored procedures:

\i apply_cap_measures_on_hap_pollutants.sql
\i create_strategy_detailed_result_table_indexes.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_detailed_result.sql
\i populate_strategy_messages.sql
\i run_apply_measures_in_series_strategy.sql
\i run_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i run_multi_pollutant_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i run_project_future_year_inventory.sql

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.2 - 08/16/2018' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new epa-commons.jar file into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.

Version 3.1 - 05/17/2018

18 May 03:31
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  • Added a new dataset type named "Facility Closure Extended" for use with Project Future Year Inventory control strategies. This dataset type works like the existing "Plant Closure (CSV)" type but uses current inventory terminology.
  • Added support for dataset type keywords when exporting and importing module types and associated dataset types
  • Fixed an error when trying to upload a file whose name contains a percent sign
  • Fixed the Module Manager window refresh so that module information is reloaded correctly
  • Fixed errors when module types are imported, caused by blank dataset type creation and last modified dates
  • Fixed errors when deleting modules


  • Updated the implicit price deflator values used in cost year conversions for 2014 through 2017
  • Added 2017 as an available cost year
  • Relabeled the combustion efficiency column in the control measure SCC window for clarity
  • Added formatting to numbers in the CMDB export files
  • Added formatting to the cost equation parameters in the At-A-Glance report and the control measure view/edit window
  • Updated cost equation descriptions

Upgrading from v3.0

Create the new facility closure dataset type

First, download the dataset type definition file: facility_closure_extended.csv

Using the Dataset Type manager, create a new dataset type named "Facility Closure Extended". Set the type to be derived from the Flexible File Format. For the file format Definition File, use the facility_closure_extended.csv file you downloaded.

Database updates

Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.

Update implicit price deflator values:

\i update_gdplev_values.sql

Update stored procedures:

\i clean_project_future_year_inventory_control_programs.sql
\i populate_project_future_year_inventory_strategy_messages.sql
\i run_project_future_year_inventory.sql
\i validate_project_future_year_inventory_control_programs.sql

Update cost equation descriptions:

UPDATE emf.equation_types
   SET equation = REPLACE(equation, ' x Combustion Efficiency', '')
 WHERE equation LIKE '% x Combustion Efficiency%';

EMF server updates

Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.

Update the EMF version in the database:

UPDATE SET value = 'v3.1 - 05/17/2018' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';

Client updates

Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.

Copy the new epa-commons.jar file into the EMF/lib client directory.

Finishing up

Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.