Version 3.5 - 10/23/2019
- Update reference year cost-per-ton storage to use double precision
- Update implicit price deflators, used for cost year conversions, using values from August 2019
- Simplify cost equation type 8 (used for non-EGU PM2.5 controls) and add a new equation type 20 (used for ICI boilers)
- Revisions to the control measure database
- Add additional columns to the Control Strategy Detailed Result Extended dataset type, to contain inventory data used in cost equation calculations
- Fix errors running control strategies on inventories with no sector set
Upgrading from v3.4
Download the necessary update files
Control measure database updates
New server WAR file
New client JAR file
Database updates
Before starting, shut down the Tomcat server.
Update database schema, add equation types, add columns to strategy detail result dataset type:
Update reference year cost-per-ton data type:
\i Cost_Schema_Upgrade_v3_5.sql
Load updated implicit price deflators:
\i update_gdplev_values.sql
Update stored procedures:
\i apply_cap_measures_on_hap_pollutants.sql
\i cost_equations_v2.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_detailed_result.sql
\i populate_least_cost_strategy_worksheet.sql
\i run_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
\i run_multi_pollutant_max_emis_red_strategy.sql
EMF server updates
Copy the new emf.war into the Tomcat webapps directory.
Update the EMF version in the database:
UPDATE SET value = 'v3.5 - 10/23/2019' WHERE name = 'EMF-version';
Client updates
Copy the new emf-client.jar file into the EMF client directory.
Finishing up
Once all updates are complete, start the Tomcat server.
Reload CMDB
If you have custom control measures in your CMDB, first export these measures, so you can reload them after the main update.
Load the updated control measure database from the set of files. Purge all existing measures during the import step.
After loading the default CMDB, re-import any custom control measures.