Project starter code for CS 211, Introduction to Computer Science II, University of Oregon.
Initial practice creating classes and objects, including wrappers
is a wrapper for list
). Initial experience with a test
suite in a separate file (
). Introduction to magic
methods, which for example make <
mean before. Careful
algorithm design.
An agenda is a list of appointments. Appointments are represented internally as Appt objects, and externally (when we read them from a file or print them) as text. The textual format of an appointment looks like this:
# Winter 2019 schedule for CIS 211
2019-01-08 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 1
2019-01-10 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 2
The line beginning with # is a comment. Each of the other two lines specifies the content of an individual Appt object.
The main feature of this project when it is complete will be determining whether or not any of the Appt objects in an Agenda conflict, i.e., whether they overlap in time. For example, it might not be easy to see whether the following list of class sessions contains any conflicts:
# Winter 2019 schedule for CIS 211
2019-01-08 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 1
2019-01-10 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 2
2019-01-15 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 3
2019-01-17 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 4
2019-01-22 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 5
2019-01-24 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 6
2019-01-29 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 7
2019-01-31 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 8
2019-02-05 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 9
2019-02-07 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 10
2019-02-12 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 11
2019-02-14 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 12
2019-02-19 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 13
2019-02-21 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 14
2019-02-26 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 15
2019-02-28 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 16
2019-03-05 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 17
2019-03-07 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 18
2019-03-12 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 19
2019-03-14 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 20
2019-02-07 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 midterm
Can you see the conflict? Your program will be able to check it and produce output like this:
Agenda checked, 21 appointments
Conflict: 2019-02-07 10:00 11:20 | CIS 211 lecture 10 and CIS 211 midterm
Oops, the midterm is scheduled during lecture, so I had better not plan a lecture for that day!
Detailed instructions are included in docs/ We strongly advise you to work through them step-by-step.