User manager is a .Net library which provides a backend framework for users management. The library uses EntityFrameworkCore and Google authentication.
Make sure to create a GCP project and have an active OAuth Client ID, the ID should authorize the Javascript origins which will initiate the authentication process.
You should have a "JwtSettings" section in appsettings.json file, which contains three main configurations:
- securityKey
- validIssuer
- validAudience
- expiryInMinutes Those settings can be also stored in application environment or Google secret manager, the library will be able to read them. You need also to add "GoogleAuthSettings" section in appsettings.json file, which contains three main configurations:
- clientId
Add the following code in your Startup file
UserServices provides three main functions:
- Login
- Register
- Assign roles
Inherit SystemPermissions and SystemRole classes in your project, and use them as an authentication policies. Example:
public class BaseRole: SystemRole {
public const string SystemAdmin = "SystemAdmin";
public class BasePermissions: SystemPermissions
public static readonly SystemAction CanManageUsers = new(nameof(CanManageUsers), BaseRole.SystemAdmin);
[Authorize(Policy = nameof(BasePermissions.CanManageUsers))]
public class UsersController : ControllerBase {