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A web browser based XML editor. It provides a general use graphical tool for creating new or modifying existing XML documents in your web browser. Information is extracted from an XML schema (XSD file) to provide the user with information about what elements, subelements and attributes are available at different points in the structure, and a GUI based means of adding or removing them from the document.

Additionally, this project includes a tool for generating JSON objects from XML schemas, which can either be directly used in browsers or precompiled (see xsd/xsd2json.js).

Try it out in our jquery.xmleditor demo page using the MODS 3.4 schema.

And here's a demo starting from an existing xml file

This project was developed as a part of the Carolina Digital Repository for use in our administrative tools, but is fully functional as a standalone client. This tool is intended to serve as a general schema driven XML editor that runs in web browsers, although some default behaviors are oriented towards it.
For our own usage, it retrieves and submits documents to a SWORD 2.0 enabled repository.

Browser support

The editor should work in current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and IE9-10. Performance will vary. IE7-8 are mostly functional, although not all features work.


  • Graphical editor mode for displaying and modifying XML elements
  • Text editor mode for directly modifying the underlying document (using the Cloud9 editor)
  • Contextual, schema driven menus for adding new elements, subelements and attributes in both the graphical and text editing modes
  • Fully javascript and CSS based, jquery widget
  • AJAX submission of document modifications
  • Export the document to a file in web browsers that support it
  • Keyboard shortcuts for navigation and other operations
  • Standalone tool for building JSON representations of XML schemas (see the xsd/ folder in this project)

How to use


  • (Manual Way) Download the package and include the file jquery.xmleditor.js after jQuery in the head of your web page.
  • Alternatively projects using bower can install it from the bower registry: bower install jquery.xmleditor

Locating schema files

Due to restrictions web browsers have on cross domain requests in javascript, all necessary XSD files must be located in the same domain as the page the editor is embedded in.
But rather than lugging the XSD files around everywhere, you can precompile a JSON representation of your schemas to include instead.
It'll also save your users some loading time.

Embedding the editor

<div id="xml_editor">&lt;rootElement&gt;&lt;/rootElement&gt;</div>
  $(function() {
        schema: schema

Startup options for jquery.xmleditor


The editor must be provided with an XML schema via the schema parameter, which can be provided in two ways:

  1. Directly from an Xsd2Json object, extracted at runtime. See the runtime schema generation demo
$(function() {
      var extractor = new Xsd2Json("mods-3-4.xsd", {"schemaURI":"mods-3-4/", "rootElement": "mods"});

              schema: extractor.getSchema()
  1. URL to a precomputed JSON file, generated by the Xsd2Json plugin
  schema : "demo/examples/mods.json"

Initial document

Embedded document

The editor can be initialized on an existing textarea element. If so, the contents of the text area will be extracted to populate the starting document. See the following example:

Alternatively, if the editor is initialized on a div element, the starting document should be XML escaped text inside the div:

If it is not escaped, the contents will still be used, but can result in parsing issues since the browser's DOM parser will process it first.

Remote document

To retrieve the starting document from a remote location use:

  • ajaxOptions
    • xmlRetrievalPath - URL to retrieve the starting XML document from
    • xmlRetrievalParams - Any additional parameters to submit in the retrieval request

submission configuration

Configure the standard

  • ajaxOptions - Used for communicating with a remote source for receiving and/or submitting documents. It is an object containing the following properties:
    • xmlUploadPath - URL where the current document will be uploaded when submitting. If not set, then an "Export" button will be shown instead.
    • xmlRetrievalPath - URL to retrieve the starting XML document from
    • xmlRetrievalParams - Any additional parameters to submit in the retrieval request
  • submitResponseHandler - Function called after the document is submitted when there is no HTTP error. Passed AJAX response object as parameter. Return true if the upload was considered to be successful.

Submit buttons

There are two ways to configure buttons which show up in the status


Default, single upload button. By providing an xmlUploadPath option, a "Submit Changes" button will appear.

  ajaxOptions : {
    xmlUploadPath : "/submit"
  submitResponseHandler : myResponseHandler

An additional submitResponseHandler function can also be provided:

  • submitResponseHandler - Function called after the document is submitted when there is no HTTP error. Passed AJAX response object as parameter. Return true if the upload was considered to be successful.
Custom errorHandler

You can specify a custom error handler function if you need something specific for your situation.

    submitErrorHandler : function(jqXHR, exception) {
      my custom error handling code here

Alternatively, any number of buttons can be created by providing the submitButtonConfigs option. It expects an array containing button configuration objects, each of which can contain the following options:

  • url - URL where the document will be sent to via POST. Optional. If not provided, then the document is not uploaded, but the submit function is still called.
  • responseHandler - Function called after the document is submitted when there is no HTTP error. Passed AJAX response object as parameter. Return true if the upload was considered to be successful. Optional.
  • errorHandler - Function called when the upload the upload to the server results in an HTTP error response code. Optional.
  • onSubmit - Function called after clicking the button, before upload. Passed the config object, called with the context of the editor object.
  • createDomElement - Whether or not to create a new button element. Set to false if using an existing element. Default: true.
  • label - Text displayed on the button. Default: "Submit Changes"
  • id - id attribute value of the button created.
  • cssClass - class attribute added to the button created
  • disabled - If true, then button will start off disabled.
  submitButtonConfigs : [
      url : "/submit",
      responseHandler : myResponseHandler,
      label : "Upload"
      label : "Download",
      onSubmit : function() {
        // do work

Providing a submitButtonConfigs option will override the creation of the standard submit/export button.

Other editor configuration

  • documentTitle - Title for the document being edited, which is displayed at the top of the editor.
  • elementUpdated - An optional event function which is triggered whenever an XML element is updated or rendered. It is triggered in the context of the element object modified, and includes an event object indicating which event took place and any additional information.
  • menuEntries - A list of additional entries to add to the top menu bar, such as adding new help entries.
  • confirmExitWhenUnsubmitted - Causes web browsers to prompt users if they try to navigate away from the editor while there are unsubmitted changes. Valid values: True or false.
  • undoHistorySize - The number of history states remembered by the undo/redo feature. Default is 20.

Interacting with the editor

There are two ways to externally retrieve the contents of the editor as a string:

  • $("#xml_editor").xmlEditor("getXMLString") retrieves the most recent validated contents. If the text mode is active and invalid, the last time it was determined to be valid will be returned.
  • $("#xml_editor").xmlEditor("getText") retrieves the current contents from the editor. If the text mode is active, its value will be returned without validation.

Building the plugin yourself

If we wish to build the combined jquery.xmleditor.js yourself, you can use the provided rake script. With rake installed, simple type "rake" in the root directory of this project. Note: You'll need the sprockets gem installed for the rake task to complete properly.

Running tests

At the root of the project run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 if using python 2 or python -m http.server 8000 --bind if using python 3. Then in a web browser navigate to The tests will run automatically.

License Information

Copyright 2013 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Ben Pennell

Mike Daines

Dean Farrell

Volker Diels-Grabsch (


jquery json2.js and cycle.js Cloud9 IDE jquery.autosize.js