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This repository contains the code and plots for the paper "Relatable and Humorous Videos Reduce Hyperarousal in Math Exams" accepted at ACII 2023.

Getting started


  • R and RStudio
  • Required packages

sessionInfo() R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit) Running under: macOS Ventura 13.5


  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Install the required packages.

    • Open the scripts/requirements.R file in RStudio.
    • Run the code in the scripts/requirements.R file.
  3. Run the scripts in the scripts/ folder to generate the data and plots.


Data description

data/ACII_RawData_N20.csv contains the following columns:

Physiological and other data

  • Column A: ParticipantID The code names of participants.
  • Column B: Gender The gender of participants with levels: $[M \equiv \text{Male}, F \equiv \text{Female}]$
  • Column C: ExamVersion: It indicates the counterbalancing order of the given exam.
  • Column D: Session: The experimental session indicator with levels: $[BL \equiv \text{Baseline period}, I \equiv \text{Instructions before the exam}, Exam \equiv \text{Actual exam}]$
  • Column E: Timestamp: The atomic clock time stamp.
  • Column F: Time: The time elapsed in seconds since the start of the present session.
  • Column G: Perspiration: Values of the perinasal perspiration signal in $^{\circ}\text{C}^2$.
  • Column H: Breathing: Values of the breathing rate signal in BPM.
  • Column I: HR.E4: Values of the heart rate signal in BPM, measured with E4 on the participant's non-dominant hand.
  • Column J: EDA.E4: Values of the EDA signal in $\mu \text{S}$, measured with E4 on the participant's non-dominant hand.
  • Column K: HR.AW: Values of the heart rate signal in BPM, measured with the Apple Watch on the participant's dominant hand.

Psychometric Data

  • Column L: SAI.Score : Scores of the State and Trait Anxiety Inventory, with range $[20,80]$.

Performance Data

  • Column M: Question.Number : Alphanumeric label representing question order as given to participant. It has the following levels: $[Ex1, Ex2, 1-36]$.
  • Column N: Question.Name : Unique question ID.
  • Column O: Question.Type : The type of question with levels: $[A \equiv \text{Abstract}, W \equiv \text{Word}, V \equiv \text{Video}, Example \equiv \text{Initial practice problems}]$.
  • Column P: Question.Order : Number representing problem order within Question.Type category as presented to participant (Examples 1,2; AWV 1-12 each)
  • Column Q: Total.Attempts : Total number of times participant attempted to solve the problem, with up to 3 attempts allowed.
  • Column R: Attempt : The number of the current attempt.
  • Column S: Attempt.StartTime : The hour:minute:second at which the current attempt started.
  • Column T: Attempt.StopTime : The hour:minute:second at which the current attempt finished.
  • Column U: Attempt.Start : The start time of the current attempt in seconds.
  • Column V: Attempt.Stop : The end time of the current attempt in seconds.
  • Column W: Beliefs/Perception : Beliefs of the participant.
  • Column X: Final.Thoughts : Participants' responses to questions about the value of the current problem and the hints given.
  • Column Y: Answer : Participants' recorded answer to the current problem.
  • Column Z: Accuracy.Score : Goodness score for participants' answer with levels: $[0 \equiv \text{Incorrect}, 1 \equiv \text{Correct}]$.
  • Column AA: Calculator : Participants' key strokes on app calculator when they used it.

The data/ACII_ModelData_N20.csv contains the following columns:

Physiological and other data

  • ParticipantID: The code names of participants.
  • Gender: The gender of participants with levels: $[M \equiv \text{Male}, F \equiv \text{Female}]$
  • pp.mean: The mean values of the perinasal perspiration signal in $^{\circ}\text{C}^2$.
  • pp.log.mean: The mean of the log perinasal perspiration.
  • HR.E4.mean: The mean of values of the heart rate signal in BPM, measured with E4 on the participant's non-dominant hand.
  • HR.E4.validated.mean: The mean of the E4 heart rate.
  • HR.AW.mean: The mean values of the heart rate signal in BPM, measured with the Apple Watch on the participant's dominant hand.
  • pp_normalized: The normalized perinasal perspiration.
  • pp_log_normalized: The normalized log perinasal perspiration.
  • hr.e4_normalized: The normalized E4 heart rate.
  • hr.e4_validated_normalized: The normalized E4 heart rate.
  • hr.aw_normalized: The normalized Apple Watch heart rate.

Psychometric Data

  • SAI.Score: The score of the State Anxiety Inventory questionnaire.

Performance Data

  • Question.Name: Unique question ID.
  • Question.Type: The type of question with levels: $[A \equiv \text{Abstract}, W \equiv \text{Word}, V \equiv \text{Video}]$.
  • Question.Order: Number representing problem order within Question.Type category as presented to participant (AWV 1-12 each)
  • Question.Number: Alphanumeric label representing question order as given to participant. It has the following levels: $[1-36]$.
  • q.solv.time: The time it took to solve the question.
  • grade: Goodness score for participants' answer with levels: $[0 \equiv \text{Incorrect}, 1 \equiv \text{Correct}]$.

The folders are organized as follows:

  • data/ contains the data used in the paper.
  • plots/ contains the plots generated in the paper.
  • scripts/ contains the scripts used to generate the data and plots.
  • requirements.txt contains the dependencies of the code.
  • is this file.

Script Set

  • ACII_Model1.Rmd
    • Creates the facial EDA model for the paper.
    • Generates the model plots.
  • ACII_Model2.Rmd
    • Creates the HR model for the paper.
    • Generates the model plots.
  • ACII_Model3.Rmd
    • Creates the performance model for the paper.
    • Generates the model plots.




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