Built on These technologies
- Node Js
- Express Js
- Mongodb
- Booststrap 4 as Frontend in ejs template
Using almost all Node , Express and Mongodb main features like
- Authentication by JWT
- Aggregation pipiline
- Filtering results using query strings
- Image uploading by using Multer
- Error handling
- Server-side rendering by ejs templates
- Flash messages
- Real-time comments/likes using Socket.io,
- and Many more
1 - Open cmd and run "npm install" 2 - Create file "Config.env" and declare values of these Environment variables according to your specifications : DATABASE , DB_LOCAL , Email_From , JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES , JWT_EXPIRES , JWT_SECRET , NODE_ENV , Sendgrid_Password , Sendgrid_Username
3 If you find any problem , feel free to inbox me on github xD ;