Officialy Support :
- NV200
- NV11
- NV10
Maybe that other models works, but we haven't tested them.
Over PIP :
pip install eSSP6
or for the latest version ( maybe unstable )
pip install git+
- Multi-currency support
- Poll events interaction
- Response data interaction
- Route to storage
- Route to cashbox
- Payout
- Payout next note (NV11 Only)
- Stack next note (NV11 Only)
- Disable the validator
- Disable the payout device
- Reset the validator
- Empty the storage ( Send all storage's bills in the cashbox quickly )
- Get note amount
import threading
from eSSP.constants import Status
from eSSP import eSSP # Import the library
from time import sleep
# Create a new object ( Validator Object ) and initialize it ( In debug mode, so it will print debug infos )
validator = eSSP(com_port="/dev/ttyUSB0", ssp_address="0", nv11=False, debug=True)
def event_loop():
while True:
# ---- Example of interaction with events ---- #
if validator.nv11: # If the model is an NV11, put every 100 note in the storage, and others in the stack(cashbox), but that's just for this example
(note, currency,event) = validator.get_last_event()
if note == 0 or currency == 0 or event == 0:
pass # Operation that do not send money info, we don't do anything with it
if note != 4 and event == Status.SSP_POLL_CREDIT:
validator.print_debug("NOT A 100 NOTE")
elif note == 4 and event == Status.SSP_POLL_READ:
validator.print_debug("100 NOTE")
validator.set_route_storage(100) # Route to storage
validator.set_route_cashbox(50) # Everything under or equal to 50 to cashbox ( NV11 )
t1 = threading.Thread(target=event_loop) # Create a new thread on the Validator System Loop ( needed for the signal )
t1.setDaemon(True) # Set the thread as daemon because it don't catch the KeyboardInterrupt, so it will stop when we cut the main thread
t1.start() # Start the validator system loop thread ( Needed for starting sending action )
try: # Command Interpreter
while True:
choice = input("")
if choice == "p": # Payout "choice" value bill ( 10, 20, 50, 100, etc. )
choice = input("")
elif choice == "s": # Route to cashbox ( In NV11, it is any amount <= than "choice" )
choice = input("")
elif choice == "c": # Route to cashbox ( In NV11, it is any amount <= than "choice" )
choice = input("")
elif choice == "e": # Enable ( Automaticaly disabled after a payout )
elif choice == "r": # Reset ( It's like a "reboot" of the validator )
elif choice == "y": # NV11 Payout last entered ( next available )
print("Payout next 1")
elif choice == "d": # Disable
elif choice == "D": # Disable the payout device
elif choice == "E": # Empty the storage to the cashbox
elif choice == "g": # Get the number of bills denominated with their values
choice = input("")
print("Number of bills of %s : %s"%(choice, validator.response_data['getnoteamount_response']))
except KeyboardInterrupt: # If user do CTRL+C
validator.close() # Close the connection with the validator
Set to storage 10 CHF and 20 CHF, putting 10 CHF and 20 CHF, and payout 10 CHF and 20 CHF.