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Github Actions committed Oct 21, 2024
2 parents e87b453 + d82ff21 commit 115df28
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Showing 8 changed files with 496 additions and 0 deletions.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/3.3.5/2024_10_17_00_world.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-- The Behemoth:14474
SET @NPC=8924;
SET @GUID=18658;
DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `guid`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zoneId`, `areaId`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`, `wander_distance`, `currentwaypoint`, `curhealth`, `curmana`, `MovementType`, `npcflag`, `unit_flags`, `dynamicflags`, `ScriptName`, `StringId`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(@GUID, @NPC, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -7404.57, -894.073, 171.873, 2.89516, 108000, 0, 0, 3323, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, '', NULL, 0);
DELETE FROM `creature_addon` WHERE `guid`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `creature_addon` (`guid`, `path_id`, `mount`, `MountCreatureID`, `StandState`, `AnimTier`, `VisFlags`, `SheathState`, `PvPFlags`, `emote`, `visibilityDistanceType`, `auras`) VALUES
(@GUID, @PATH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
-- Pathing
DELETE FROM `waypoint_data` WHERE `id`=@PATH;
INSERT INTO `waypoint_data` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `delay`, `move_type`, `action`, `action_chance`, `wpguid`) VALUES
(@PATH, 1, -7404.57, -894.073, 171.873,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 2, -7397.19, -934.067, 169.109,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 3, -7397.22, -957.259, 170.151,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 4, -7406.08, -992.606, 173.821,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 5, -7378.71, -995.416, 171.25,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 6, -7348, -986.191, 171.532,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 7, -7346.79, -1017.81, 177.942,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 8, -7371.64, -1036.28, 177.966,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 9, -7390.05, -1044.6, 176.843,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 10, -7406.18, -1044.51, 176.751,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 11, -7390.37, -1044.6, 176.823,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 12, -7371.64, -1036.28, 177.966,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 13, -7346.79, -1017.81, 177.942,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 14, -7348, -986.191, 171.532,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 15, -7378.71, -995.416, 171.25,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 16, -7406.08, -992.606, 173.821,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 17, -7397.25, -957.381, 170.135,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 18, -7397.19, -934.067, 169.109,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 19, -7404.57, -894.073, 171.873,NULL,0,0,0,100,0),
(@PATH, 20, -7438.96, -892.375, 171.973,NULL,0,0,0,100,0);
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/3.3.5/2024_10_20_00_world.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
-- Add missing spawns and pooling for Battered Chest ID: 2849 in Ghostlands
SET @POOLID := 587; -- 6 required
SET @OGUID := 12738; -- 16 required

INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zoneId`, `areaId`, `spawnMask`, `PhaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(@OGUID+0, 106319, 530, 3433, 3514, 1, 1, 7943.26904296875, -6716.94677734375, 35.34872817993164062, 3.543023586273193359, 0, 0, -0.97992420196533203, 0.199370384216308593, 360, 255, 1, 40892), -- Dead scar
(@OGUID+1, 106319, 530, 3433, 3509, 1, 1, 7651.68212890625, -7144.56396484375, 153.5474395751953125, 5.340708732604980468, 0, 0, -0.45398998260498046, 0.891006767749786376, 360, 255, 1, 42917), -- Amani Catacombs
(@OGUID+2, 106319, 530, 3433, 3433, 1, 1, 7181.9384765625, -5858.966796875, 14.44211483001708984, 3.106652259826660156, 0, 0, 0.999847412109375, 0.017469281330704689, 360, 255, 1, 42917), -- Windrunner Village
(@OGUID+3, 106319, 530, 3433, 3433, 1, 1, 7050.58251953125, -5736.326171875, 84.08641815185546875, 0.383971005678176879, 0, 0, 0.190808296203613281, 0.981627285480499267, 360, 255, 1, 42917), -- Windrunner Spire
(@OGUID+4, 106319, 530, 3433, 3491, 1, 1, 7194.93896484375, -5962.3603515625, 21.32486915588378906, 2.67034769058227539, 0, 0, 0.972369194030761718, 0.233448356389999389, 360, 255, 1, 41446), -- Windrunner Village
(@OGUID+5, 106319, 530, 3433, 3505, 1, 1, 7138.8984375, -6196.390625, 21.56857109069824218, 0.942476630210876464, 0, 0, 0.453989982604980468, 0.891006767749786376, 360, 255, 1, 41446), -- Underlight Mines
(@OGUID+6, 106319, 530, 3433, 3490, 1, 1, 7917.97314453125, -6254.814453125, 39.78503036499023437, 1.204277276992797851, 0, 0, 0.56640625, 0.824126183986663818, 360, 255, 1, 40892), -- Goldenmist Village
(@OGUID+7, 106319, 530, 3433, 3509, 1, 1, 7593.18603515625, -7280.60595703125, 155.0066375732421875, 3.473210096359252929, 0, 0, -0.98628520965576171, 0.165049895644187927, 360, 255, 1, 41446), -- Amani Catacombs
(@OGUID+8, 106319, 530, 3433, 3509, 1, 1, 7626.720703125, -7477.81494140625, 161.88909912109375, 6.14356088638305664, 0, 0, -0.06975555419921875, 0.997564136981964111, 360, 255, 1, 41446), -- Amani Catacombs
(@OGUID+9, 106319, 530, 3433, 3495, 1, 1, 7828.2880859375, -7910.99462890625, 294.16424560546875, 0.017452461645007133, 0, 0, 0.008726119995117187, 0.999961912631988525, 360, 255, 1, 40892), -- Dawnstar Spire
(@OGUID+10, 106319, 530, 3433, 3505, 1, 1, 7151.56103515625, -6244.48974609375, 21.80349540710449218, 0.785396754741668701, 0, 0, 0.38268280029296875, 0.923879802227020263, 360, 255, 1, 41446), -- Underlight Mines
(@OGUID+11, 106319, 530, 3433, 3490, 1, 1, 7988.2568359375, -6098.12744140625, 20.41779518127441406, 0.733038187026977539, 0, 0, 0.358367919921875, 0.933580458164215087, 360, 255, 1, 56713), -- Goldenmist Village
(@OGUID+12, 106319, 530, 3433, 3491, 1, 1, 7344.84814453125, -5957.92431640625, 15.93715286254882812, 6.03883981704711914, 0, 0, -0.12186908721923828, 0.9925462007522583, 360, 255, 1, 56713), -- Windrunner Village
(@OGUID+13, 106319, 530, 3433, 3492, 1, 1, 7009.5205078125, -5700.59375, 102.6014862060546875, 1.291541695594787597, 0, 0, 0.60181427001953125, 0.798636078834533691, 360, 255, 1, 56713), -- Windrunner Spire
(@OGUID+14, 106319, 530, 3433, 3433, 1, 1, 7019.9306640625, -5693.78759765625, 82.67047882080078125, 2.251473426818847656, 0, 0, 0.902585029602050781, 0.430511653423309326, 360, 255, 1, 56713), -- Windrunner Spire
(@OGUID+15, 106319, 530, 3433, 3497, 1, 1, 7966.60693359375, -6557.32861328125, 57.7398681640625, 2.164205789566040039, 0, 0, 0.882946968078613281, 0.469472706317901611, 360, 255, 1, 56713); -- An'daroth

UPDATE `gameobject` SET `spawntimesecs`=360, `animprogress`=225, `state`=1 WHERE `guid` IN (27337,27378,27422,27446,27493,27515,33980,34000,34002);

INSERT INTO `pool_template` (`entry`,`max_limit`,`description`) VALUES
(@POOLID,1,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands, Chest Pool Goldenmist Village'),
(@POOLID+1,1,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands, Chest Pool Windrunner Village'),
(@POOLID+2,1,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands, Chest Pool Underlight Mines'),
(@POOLID+3,1,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands, Chest Pool Windrunner Spire'),
(@POOLID+4,1,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands, Chest Pool Amani Catacombs'),
(@POOLID+5,1,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands, Chest Pool Ghostlands');

INSERT INTO `pool_members` (`type`,`spawnId`,`poolSpawnId`,`chance`,`description`) Values
(1,27422,@POOLID,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Goldenmist Village'),
(1,34002,@POOLID,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Goldenmist Village'),
(1,@OGUID+6,@POOLID,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Goldenmist Village'),
(1,@OGUID+11,@POOLID,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Goldenmist Village'),
(1,27446,@POOLID+1,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Village'),
(1,@OGUID+2,@POOLID+1,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Village'),
(1,@OGUID+4,@POOLID+1,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Village'),
(1,@OGUID+12,@POOLID+1,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Village'),
(1,27515,@POOLID+2,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Underlight Mines'),
(1,33980,@POOLID+2,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Underlight Mines'),
(1,@OGUID+5,@POOLID+2,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Underlight Mines'),
(1,@OGUID+10,@POOLID+2,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Underlight Mines'),
(1,27493,@POOLID+3,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Spire'),
(1,@OGUID+3,@POOLID+3,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Spire'),
(1,@OGUID+13,@POOLID+3,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Spire'),
(1,@OGUID+14,@POOLID+3,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Windrunner Spire'),
(1,27337,@POOLID+4,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Amani Catacombs'),
(1,@OGUID+1,@POOLID+4,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Amani Catacombs'),
(1,@OGUID+7,@POOLID+4,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Amani Catacombs'),
(1,@OGUID+8,@POOLID+4,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Amani Catacombs'),
(1,34000,@POOLID+5,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands'),
(1,27378,@POOLID+5,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands'),
(1,@OGUID,@POOLID+5,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands'),
(1,@OGUID+15,@POOLID+5,0,'Battered Chest (2849), Ghostlands');
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/3.3.5/2024_10_20_01_world.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-- Add spawns and pooling for Large Battered Chest ID: 75293 in Ghostlands
SET @POOLID := 368; -- One required
SET @OGUID := 10860; -- Three required

INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zoneId`, `areaId`, `spawnMask`, `PhaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(@OGUID, 75293, 530, 3433, 3500, 1, 1, 6443.123046875, -6660.0498046875, 106.3956069946289062, 1.727874636650085449, 0, 0, 0.760405540466308593, 0.649448513984680175, 360, 255, 1, 41446), -- Deatholme
(@OGUID+1, 75293, 530, 3433, 3500, 1, 1, 6645.44921875, -6329.88427734375, 9.133299827575683593, 2.949595451354980468, 0, 0, 0.995395660400390625, 0.095851235091686248, 360, 255, 1, 41446), -- Deatholme
-- From Mangos db
(@OGUID+2, 75293, 530, 3433, 3500, 1, 1, 6527.45, -6514.33, 43.762, 3.47321, 0, 0, -0.986285, 0.16505, 5200, 255, 1, 0);

UPDATE `gameobject` SET `spawntimesecs`=360, `animprogress`=225, `state`=1 WHERE `guid` IN (27542);

DELETE FROM `pool_template` WHERE `entry`=@POOLID;
INSERT INTO `pool_template` (`entry`,`max_limit`,`description`) VALUES
(@POOLID,1,'Large Battered Chest (75293), Ghostlands, Chest Pool Deatholme');

DELETE FROM `pool_members` WHERE `poolSpawnId`=@POOLID;
INSERT INTO `pool_members` (`type`,`spawnId`,`poolSpawnId`,`chance`,`description`) VALUES
(1,27542,@POOLID,0,'Large Battered Chest (75293), Deatholme'),
(1,@OGUID,@POOLID,0,'Large Battered Chest (75293), Deatholme'),
(1,@OGUID+1,@POOLID,0,'Large Battered Chest (75293), Deatholme'),
(1,@OGUID+2,@POOLID,0,'Large Battered Chest (75293), Deatholme');
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/3.3.5/2024_10_20_02_world.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-- Add missing spawns and pooling for Tattered Chest ID: 2844 in Azuremyst Isle
SET @POOLID := 782; -- 6 required
SET @OGUID := 12722; -- 8 required

INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zoneId`, `areaId`, `spawnMask`, `PhaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(@OGUID, 2844, 530, 3524, 3567, 1, 1, -4434.80810546875, -11967.896484375, 32.12919235229492187, 3.159062385559082031, 0, 0, -0.99996185302734375, 0.008734640665352344, 360, 255, 1, 45942), -- Pod Cluster
(@OGUID+1, 2844, 530, 3524, 3569, 1, 1, -4826.92822265625, -11486.4384765625, -37.0933952331542968, 2.321286916732788085, 0, 0, 0.917059898376464843, 0.398749500513076782, 360, 255, 1, 40892), -- Tide's Hollow
(@OGUID+2, 2844, 530, 3524, 3571, 1, 1, -4481.47900390625, -11624.3408203125, 11.0514068603515625, 5.35816192626953125, 0, 0, -0.446197509765625, 0.894934535026550292, 360, 255, 1, 45942), -- Bristlelimb Village
(@OGUID+3, 2844, 530, 3524, 3572, 1, 1, -3099.85595703125, -12480.6591796875, 0.465005010366439819, 1.012289404869079589, 0, 0, 0.484808921813964843, 0.87462007999420166, 360, 255, 1, 40892), -- Stillpine Hold
(@OGUID+4, 2844, 530, 3524, 3572, 1, 1, -3222.1826171875, -12490.9609375, 15.47136592864990234, 1.117009282112121582, 0, 0, 0.529918670654296875, 0.84804844856262207, 360, 255, 1, 45942), -- Stillpine Hold
(@OGUID+5, 2844, 530, 3524, 3577, 1, 1, -4600.736328125, -12871.3798828125, 6.40148019790649414, 2.303830623626708984, 0, 0, 0.913544654846191406, 0.406738430261611938, 360, 255, 1, 45942), -- Greezie's Camp
(@OGUID+6, 2844, 530, 3524, 3578, 1, 1, -3371.1328125, -12716.5361328125, 19.57845115661621093, 6.056293010711669921, 0, 0, -0.11320304870605468, 0.993571877479553222, 360, 255, 1, 45942), -- Menagerie Wreckage
(@OGUID+7, 2844, 530, 3524, 3639, 1, 1, -5200.96875, -11046.71875, 26.86562156677246093, 0.575957298278808593, 0, 0, 0.284014701843261718, 0.958819925785064697, 360, 255, 1, 40892); -- Silvermyst Lsle

UPDATE `gameobject` SET `spawntimesecs`=360, `animprogress`=225, `state`=1 WHERE `guid` IN (12098,29908,12097,30474,85814,12095,12096,30513,12093,12094);

INSERT INTO `pool_template` (`entry`,`max_limit`,`description`) VALUES
(@POOLID,1,'Tattered Chest (2844), Azuremyst Isle, Chest Pool Stillpine Hold'),
(@POOLID+1,1,'Tattered Chest (2844), Azuremyst Isle, Chest Pool Pods and Greezie''s Camp'),
(@POOLID+2,1,'Tattered Chest (2844), Azuremyst Isle, Chest Pool Menagerie Wreckage'),
(@POOLID+3,1,'Tattered Chest (2844), Azuremyst Isle, Chest Pool Bristlelimb Village'),
(@POOLID+4,1,'Tattered Chest (2844), Azuremyst Isle, Chest Pool Tides Hollow'),
(@POOLID+5,1,'Tattered Chest (2844), Azuremyst Isle, Chest Pool Silvermyst Isle');

INSERT INTO `pool_members` (`type`,`spawnId`,`poolSpawnId`,`chance`,`description`) VALUES
(1,12093,@POOLID,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Stillpine Hold'),
(1,@OGUID+3,@POOLID,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Stillpine Hold'),
(1,@OGUID+4,@POOLID,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Stillpine Hold'),
(1,30474,@POOLID+1,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Pod Wreckage'),
(1,@OGUID,@POOLID+1,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Pod Cluster'),
(1,@OGUID+5,@POOLID+1,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Greezie''s Camp'),
(1,12094,@POOLID+2,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Menagerie Wreckage'),
(1,@OGUID+6,@POOLID+2,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Menagerie Wreckage'),
(1,29908,@POOLID+2,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Azuremyst Isle'),
(1,12096,@POOLID+3,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Bristlelimb Village'),
(1,30513,@POOLID+3,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Bristlelimb Village'),
(1,@OGUID+2,@POOLID+3,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Bristlelimb Village'),
(1,85814,@POOLID+4,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Tides Hollow'),
(1,12095,@POOLID+4,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Tides Hollow'),
(1,@OGUID+1,@POOLID+4,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Tides Hollow'),
(1,12098,@POOLID+5,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Silvermyst Isle'),
(1,@OGUID+7,@POOLID+5,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Silvermyst Isle'),
(1,12097,@POOLID+5,0,'Tattered Chest (2844), Moonwing Den');

0 comments on commit 115df28

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