A Simple Tickets, Ideas & Review Plugin
This Project is archived, please see new project at https://github.com/TreeboMC/TreeboTickets2/
default: op
default: false
description: 'Notify user if there is an update available'
default: op
description: 'Lets builders see review tickets'
default: false
description: 'Allows a player to create a new ticket'
default: true
description: 'Allows a player to see their own tickets'
default: true
description: 'Allows a player to delete closed tickets.'
default: true
description: 'Allows a player to delete closed tickets.'
default: op
description: 'Allows a player to see all tickets'
default: op
description: 'Allows use of all tbTicketAdmin commands'
default: false
### General:
/tbTicket - Displays help for tbTicket command
/tbTicket open - Submits a ticket for the staff team to look into.
/tbTicket close <ticket number> - Closes this ticket number if owned by the player
/tbTicket view <ticket number> - Views details on this ticket number if owned by the player
/tbTicket list - Lists all of this players tickets
/idea - Allows a player to use the ticket system to submit ideas
/discord - runs /discordsrv:discord link
/discord default - runs /discordsrv:discord
/discord <anything other than default> - runs /discordsrv:discord <anything other than default>
### Builder:
/review - Allows a player to request build review.
/reviewclose - Closes a build review ticket.
/reviewlist - Allows a player to use the ticket system to submit ideas.
/reviewstats - Shows total review tickets.
/reviewtp - Teleports to Builder tickets.
/reviewupdate - Updates staff entries on a review ticket.
/reviewview - Allows a player to use the ticket system to submit ideas
### Staff:
/tbta - Help for tbta commands.
/tbta list assigned - List all tickets assigned to this player if player has permission tbticket.view.any
/tbta list unassigned - List all tickets not assigned to a player if player has permission tbticket.view.any
/tbta list open - List all open tickets if player has permission tbticket.view.any
/tbta list closed - list all closed tickets if player has permission tbticket.view.any
/tbta close <ticket number> - Closes this ticket number if player has permission tbticket.close.any and is assigned to player
/tbta view <ticket number> - Views details on this ticket number if player has permission tbticket.view.any
/tbta claim <ticket number> - Assigns unassigned ticket to self
/tbta unclaim <ticket number> - Assigns assigned ticket to unassigned if assigned to player
/tbta tp - Teleports player to ticket location. If ticket location is on another server, it will attempt to transfer servers.
/tbta update - Allows a player to update a tickets "staff steps" entry.
### Admin:
/tbTicketAdmin - Displays help for tbTicketAdmin commands.
/tbTicketAdmin reload - reloads the TreeboTickets config.
/tbTicketAdmin list <assigned | unassigned | open | closed> - Lists all tickets that are in the selected category
/tbTicketAdmin staffList <staff name> - Lists all tickets assigned to player <staff name>
/tbTicketAdmin assign <ticket number> <staff name> - Assigns a ticket to a player with the name in the third command argument (<staff name>)
/tbTicketAdmin close <ticket number> - No questions asked ticket close.
/tbTicketAdmin delete <ticket number> - Removes ticket from database, no questions asked.
/tbTicketAdmin update <ticket number> <Message> - As with tbta this will add a comment to the ticket, but will ignore the assigned staff requirement
/tbTicketAdmin stats - Lists total tickets, assigned tickets, unassigned tickets, open tickets, closed tickets.
### Misc:
/remoteexecute <command> <server> <args> - issues a command to another server (can only be used from console)
/restarttimed - issues restart command in X ticks
/onhere - Shows own ontime on the network
/onall - Shows own ontime across all Treebo servers (disabled)
/multiplecommands - Executes multiple commands in order from one command input. -- Eg. /multiplecommands /tp xXx_Pu55y_D357R0YA_xXx /gmsp /broadcast The All knowing eye casts it's gaze upon you xXx_Pu55y_D357R0YA_xXx
/tbticket - /ticket