Custom Tweaks for the Prison gamemode
prisontweaks - Displays all prisontweaks commands
/prisontweaks clear <playerName> - clears a players vip timer - ** Does not save config **
/prisontweaks reload - reloads config
/prisontweaks save - saves config
/prisontweaks giveNewPick - Gives Vip Pick relevant to Prison Rank
/prisontweaks setTntThrow <multiplier> - Sets how far players can throw tnt. Is multiplied by default item throw velocity
prisontweaks.updatechecker - Notify player on join if there is an update to the plugin
prisontweaks.clearviptimer - Enables use of /prisontweaks clear
prisontweaks.reload: - Enables use of /prisontweaks save and reload
prisontweaks.setthrow - Enables use of /prisontweaks setTntThrow
pvip.perm - Enables use of /prisontweaks givenewpick
All permissions except pvip.perm default to OP