It is an android application for Implementing use of News Api Intents ViewPager by using Native(XML+JAVA)
- Install the latest version of Android Studio
- Clone the Repository
- On launch of Android Studio, click on "Open an existing Android Studio project"
- Go to the location of the cloned repository, select the folder with name fewshorts and icon of Android Studio and click on OK.
- Let the Gradle build. It requires fairly good internet connection and about 5 minutes on average.
- Java version : 1.8
- Android Dependecies : AndroidX
- SDK :
- Minimum - 26
- Maximum - 29
Extended Splash Screen Implementation.
Utilised Vertical View Pager with Fragments to give the feel of easy transition
Built for smooth and efficient loading and Easy scrolling of app .In keeping the usual habbit of normal user the app is made such that the effect is recreated when someone scrolls feeds of social media apps.The implementation is also done keeping in mind the Addiction of users