author: Jeffrey Meyers ([email protected])
See for a vagrant project to build the database and run the api
Data is received as either a SCAN or STOP. SCAN records occur when collection is done using the QR Code Scanner mode while STOP records occur when collection is done using the Map-Based mode.
A scan received consists of the following data
- unique identifier from QR code
- route
- direction
- surveyor id
- timestamp
- mode (ON or OFF)
- latitude and longitude of scan
Based on mode the data is handled differently. For ON records the data is inserted into a temporary table. Handling OFF records requires a few more steps.
- Query temporary table looking for unmatched ON scan by comparing unique identifier, route and direction.
- If no match is found nothing happens. The temporary table gets cleared during downtime.
- If a match is found
- The record in the temporary table is flagged to avoid future matches
- A spatial lookup is done using the lat-lon coordinates for the nearest bus stop for given route and direction
- New ON-OFF record is saved
A stop received consists of the data below. Lookups are done in a stops table to find the corresponding keys for boarding and alighting stops and then all the data is written to a postgres database.
- route
- direction
- surveyor id
- timestamp
- boarding stop ID
- alighting stop ID