Merge pull request #1297 from marauder2k9-torque/matrix-templated #853
GitHub Actions / Linux test results
Nov 7, 2024 in 0s
154 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✔️ My Projects/Torque3D/game/test_detail.xml
154 tests were completed in 4s with 154 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
AlignedBufferAllocatorTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
BaseDataChunkerTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
ChunkerFreeClassListTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
ChunkerTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
ClassChunkerTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
ConsoleTest | 2✔️ | 1ms | ||
DatablockTest | 3✔️ | 0ms | ||
DataChunkerTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
EngineAPITest | 4✔️ | 1ms | ||
FrameAllocatorMarker | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
FrameAllocatorTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
FrameTempTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
FreeListChunkerTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
InspectorFieldTest | 1✔️ | 11ms | ||
LazyItemAllocatorTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
MatrixTest | 50✔️ | 0ms | ||
MultiTypedChunkerTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
Mutex | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
PlatformFileIOTest | 5✔️ | 1s | ||
PlatformTimerTest | 3✔️ | 2s | ||
PlatformTypesTest | 3✔️ | 0ms | ||
PlatformWindowManagerSDLTest | 5✔️ | 0ms | ||
Profiler | 2✔️ | 0ms | ||
ResourceManagerTests | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
RunTimeClassRepTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
SceneContainerBinRefListTest | 10✔️ | 0ms | ||
SceneContainerTest | 16✔️ | 0ms | ||
ScriptTest | 21✔️ | 27ms | ||
Semaphore | 2✔️ | 0ms | ||
ThreadPool | 3✔️ | 2s | ||
ThreadSafeDeque | 3✔️ | 0ms | ||
ThreadSafePriorityQueue | 2✔️ | 0ms | ||
ThreadTest | 2✔️ | 0ms | ||
ThreeTieredChunkerTest | 1✔️ | 0ms | ||
TorqueScriptFixture | 1✔️ | 0ms |
✔️ AlignedBufferAllocatorTest
✔️ AlignedBufferAllocator_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ BaseDataChunkerTest
✔️ BaseDataChunker_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ ChunkerFreeClassListTest
✔️ ChunkerFreeClassList_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ ChunkerTest
✔️ Chunker_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ ClassChunkerTest
✔️ ClassChunker_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ ConsoleTest
✔️ executef
✔️ execute
✔️ DatablockTest
✔️ Datablocks_Can_Be_Overridden
✔️ Datablocks_Must_Not_Change_Type
✔️ Datablock_Can_Substitute_String
✔️ DataChunkerTest
✔️ DataChunker_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ EngineAPITest
✔️ EngineMarshallData
✔️ EngineUnMarshallData
✔️ _EngineConsoleCallbackHelper
✔️ _EngineConsoleExecCallbackHelper
✔️ FrameAllocatorMarker
✔️ FrameAllocatorMarker_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ FrameAllocatorTest
✔️ FrameAllocator_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ FrameTempTest
✔️ FrameTempShould_Function_Correctly
✔️ FreeListChunkerTest
✔️ FreeListChunkerTest_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ InspectorFieldTest
✔️ SetData_Should_Update_The_Field
✔️ LazyItemAllocatorTest
✔️ realloc
✔️ MatrixTest
✔️ TestIdentityInit
✔️ TestIdentitySet
✔️ TestIsIdentity
✔️ TestEulerInit
✔️ TestEulerSet
✔️ TestToEuler
✔️ TestEulerPointInit
✔️ TestEulerPointSet
✔️ TestGetColumn4
✔️ TestGetRow4
✔️ TestGetColumn3
✔️ TestGetRow3
✔️ TestGetColumn4F
✔️ TestGetRow4F
✔️ TestGetColumn3F
✔️ TestGetRow3F
✔️ TestSetColumn4
✔️ TestSetRow4
✔️ TestSetColumn3
✔️ TestSetRow3
✔️ TestDisplace
✔️ TestGetVectorFunctions
✔️ TestSetCrossProduct
✔️ TestSetTensorProduct
✔️ TestMulFunction
✔️ TestMulOperator
✔️ TestMulLFunction
✔️ TestMulArgMatrixFunction
✔️ TestMulArgMultipleRotationMatrix
✔️ TestMulScalarFunction
✔️ TestMulMatScalarFunction
✔️ TestMulPoint4
✔️ TestMulPoint3
✔️ TestMulPoint3ToPoint3
✔️ TestMulVector
✔️ TestMulVectorToPoint3
✔️ TestMulBox
✔️ TestMatrixAdd
✔️ TestFrustumProjectionMatrix
✔️ TestUnProjectStack
✔️ TestInverse
✔️ TestInvertTo
✔️ TestFullInverse
✔️ TestIsAffine
✔️ TestScale
✔️ TestGetScale
✔️ TestAffineInverse
✔️ TestTranspose
✔️ TestTransposeTo
✔️ TestTransformPlane
✔️ MultiTypedChunkerTest
✔️ MultiTypedChunker_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ Mutex
✔️ BasicSynchronization
✔️ PlatformFileIOTest
✔️ ExcludedDirectories
✔️ CreateTest
✔️ CreateTimeTest
✔️ ModifyTimesTest
✔️ DeleteFileTest
✔️ PlatformTimerTest
✔️ AdvanceTime
✔️ Sleep
✔️ BasicAPI
✔️ PlatformTypesTest
✔️ Sizes
✔️ EndianConversion
✔️ EndianSwap
✔️ PlatformWindowManagerSDLTest
✔️ Constructor
✔️ PrimaryRectTest
✔️ MonitorRectsValid
✔️ MonitorRectsAtLeastOne
✔️ MonitorRectsOverflow
✔️ Profiler
✔️ ProfileStartEnd
✔️ ProfileScope
✔️ ResourceManagerTests
✔️ All_Resource_Functionality
✔️ RunTimeClassRepTest
✔️ RuntimeClassRep
✔️ SceneContainerBinRefListTest
✔️ getValues
✔️ getValueIterators
✔️ getValueIterator
✔️ allocList
✔️ reallocList
✔️ freeList
✔️ replaceListBin
✔️ containsBinItem
✔️ compact
✔️ clear
✔️ SceneContainerTest
✔️ findObjects
✔️ polyhedronFindObjects
✔️ findObjectList
✔️ castRay
✔️ castRay_order
✔️ castRayRendered
✔️ collideBox
✔️ buildPolyList
✔️ addObject
✔️ removeObject
✔️ insertIntoBins
✔️ removeFromBins
✔️ checkBins
✔️ initRadiusSearch
✔️ initTypeSearch
✔️ getBinRange
✔️ ScriptTest
✔️ Basic_Arithmetic
✔️ Complex_Arithmetic
✔️ Basic_Concatination
✔️ Basic_Global_Variable_Tests
✔️ Variable_Chaining_And_Usage
✔️ Basic_Function_Call_And_Local_Variable_Testing
✔️ Basic_Conditional_Statements
✔️ Basic_Loop_Statements
✔️ ForEachLoop
✔️ TorqueScript_Array_Testing
✔️ SimObject_Tests
✔️ Internal_Name
✔️ Basic_Package
✔️ Sugar_Syntax
✔️ InnerObjectTests
✔️ SlotOperatorTests
✔️ MiscTesting
✔️ RegressionInt
✔️ RegressionFloat
✔️ RegressionBool
✔️ RegressionString
✔️ Semaphore
✔️ BasicSynchronization
✔️ MultiThreadSynchronization
✔️ ThreadPool
✔️ BasicAPI
✔️ Asynchronous
✔️ Synchronous
✔️ ThreadSafeDeque
✔️ PopFront
✔️ PopBack
✔️ DISABLED_Concurrent
✔️ ThreadSafePriorityQueue
✔️ Serial
✔️ Concurrent
✔️ ThreadTest
✔️ CallbackAPI
✔️ InheritanceAPI
✔️ ThreeTieredChunkerTest
✔️ ThreeTieredChunker_Should_Function_Correctly
✔️ TorqueScriptFixture
✔️ MyTest