1.3 release
New in this release:
Controlling recursive event emission. Recursive event emission happens when an event causes the stream to emit again. Basically, recursion is disallowed when there is more than one subscriber to the stream, since if the first notified subscriber caused recursive emission, the following subscribers would receive events in reverse order. To allow recursive emission and 2 or more subscribers at the same time, one has to explicitly state how to handle recursive emission, via the onRecurse*()
Suspendable event streams. Interceptable event streams were simplified (mostly implementation-wise) and are now called suspendable event streams. There's a special operator to get each type of suspendable event stream: suppressible, forgetful, pausable, reducible, accumulative, accumulative.
New stream combinators:
suppressWhen, retainLatestWhen, pauseWhen, reduceWhen, accumulateWhen, accumulateWhen,
retainLatestUntilLater, queueUntilLater, reduceUntilLater, accumulateUntilLater, accumulateUntilLater,
queueBetween, reduceBetween, accumulateBetween, accumulateBetween.