Checkout Component 3.0 requirements:
Design and implement market checkout component with readable API that calculates the total price of a number of items.
Checkout mechanism can scan items and return actual price (is stateful)
Our goods are priced individually.
Some items are multipriced: buy N of them, and they'll cost you Y cents
Item Price Unit Special Price A 40 3 70 B 10 2 15 C 30 4 60 D 25 2 40 -
Client receives receipt containing list of all products with corresponding prices after payment
Some items are cheaper when bought together - buy item X with item Y and save Z cents
Item Price A,B 10 A,B,C,D 30 -
Additional Discount of 10% should be added if total order price (including other discounts/special prices) exceeds 600
Market can add any type of item or discount at any point in time.
Market stores data about quantity of all items sold in all its checkouts and all applied discounts
Perform a simple simulation of a market with 3 Checkouts and a single queue of 10 random baskets of items.
I implemented Checkout component using Spring boot and H2 database. Database schema is created on startup and initialized with data declared in file:
You can log into database console using link:
Jdbc url, password and login is configured in the file:
Running project:
mvn spring-boot:run
After start, application will run simulation and print results on console. You can also invoke simulation using REST API:
I used pitest for mutation testing. You can execute
mvn org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
and check pitest report in directory: