A tool to generate and share resource lists for film and television productions quickly.
✨Register to try it out at shootdrop.com
During pre-production for video/film projects, making gear lists is time-consuming. I created ShootDrop as a simple, easy-to-use tool to quickly create gear lists.
A drop is tied to a shoot in the real world, it serves as the home for all gear-related info pertaining to the shoot.
- Collaborators can be added here. They can edit any lists attached to the drops they're on.
- The URL is publically sharable for everyone on the production to stay up to date.
- Overview of all list items - giving you an idea of the shoot at a glance.
- PDF Generation to easily print and share with production teams.
A list is tied to a drop, it consists of Gear Items in a particular category (either camera, lighting, grips or sound).
- Comments and preferences can be added for each list item.
- Last edited by with time and user to keep track of who added what.
- Categories (grips/lighting/camera/sound)
- Tagging for easy filtering. Tags are either generic (eg: cable) or tied to categories (eg: lens or recorder)
- Preferences (eg: Lens Mount or Power Solution)
- NextJS (React)
- TailwindCSS
- Apollo Client (GraphQL client and state management library)
- Zustand (minimal state management where Apollo reactive variables would be overkill)
- NodeJS
- Apollo Server
- MongoDB (with Mongoose ODM)
- AWS S3
You can give this a spin on your local machine by installing NodeJS version 16 or higher.
Make sure you setup the following environment variables
NEXT_PUBLIC_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= grab one at https://www.hcaptcha.com/
DEV_MONGODB_URI= Spin up a free mongodb at https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register
PORT= any
HCAPTCHASECRET= grab one at https://www.hcaptcha.com/
SENDGRID_API_KEY= grab one at https://sendgrid.com/free/
SITE_ADMIN= your email
DEV_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= Grab one from AWS console
DEV_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= Grab one from AWS console
DEV_S3_BUCKET= S3 bucket name
Commands for running the app locally
In root directory of repo, open terminal.
cd api
npm install
npm run dev
cd web
npm install
npm run dev
👤 Tom Radford
- Website: tomradford.co.za
- Github: @TomRadford
- LinkedIn: @https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-radford-21699b153/
Feel free to check the issues page to request fixes and new features! Alternatively you can drop me a mail on [email protected]
Drop me a mail [email protected]
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2022 Tom Radford.
This project is GPL--3.0--only licensed.
Thanks for your interest in this project!