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09 Outputs

Tim Dunn edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

Output .vcf Files


Output summary VCF containing detailed information regarding each query and truth input variant. Please note that homozygous variants are split into two heterozygous variants prior to vcfdist evaluation.

FORMAT Tag Name Type Description
GT GenoType string Genotype of the current variant.
BD Benchmarking Decision categorical Benchmarking decision classification of the current variant (TP/FP/FN).
BC Benchmarking Credit float Benchmarking credit allocated to the current variant in the range [0.0, 1.0].
RD Reference edit Distance integer Edit distance between the reference and truth sequences for this sync group.
QD Query edit Distance integer Edit distance between the query and truth sequences for this sync group.
BK Benchmarking Kategory categorical GA4GH category is assigned to 'gm' if credit == 1 (genotype match), 'lm' if credit > 0 (local match), or else '.' (no match).
QQ Quality integer Variant PHRED-scaled quality score.
SC SuperCluster integer 0-based index of supercluster in which this variant occurs, on this contig.
SG Sync Group integer 0-based index of the current variant's sync group in this supercluster on this haplotype. Variants in the same sync group are considered complex, evaluated together, and assigned a single credit value.
PS Phase Set integer Phase set identifier for the current variant.
PB Phase Block integer 0-based index of current phase block in this contig.
BS Block State integer Phasing state of the current phase block, which determines the truth-to-query haplotype mappings: 0 = T1Q1:T2Q2, 1 = T1Q2:T2Q1.
FE Flip Error integer Whether the current supercluster's phasing is flipped (1) or not (0).

For full false positive (FP) variants where credit is 0.0, RD and QD are missing (.) because the query variant is never aligned and there is no corresponding truth variant.

orig-query.vcf, orig-truth.vcf

Original query and truth VCFs, as parsed by vcfdist.

query.vcf, truth.vcf

Output query and truth VCFs, (optionally standardized by vcfdist using --realign).

Output .tsv Files

.tsv, or tab-separated value files, are a simple text-based format used to store vcfdist's output.


query.tsv, truth.tsv

Reports detailed information regarding each variant.

Column Type Description
CONTIG string Name of the contig on which this variant is located.
POS integer 0-based index of genomic position where this variant occurs on this contig. Insertions occur before this base.
HAP integer Variant occurs on this haplotype (0 or 1 if diploid).
REF string Reference allele of this variant.
ALT string Alternate allele of this variant.
QUAL float Quality score of this variant.
TYPE categorical Type of variant (REF/SNP/INS/DEL/CPX).
ERR_TYPE categorical Classification error type (TP/FP/FN).
CREDIT float Fraction of partial credit (in terms of correctness) that this variant received. --credit-threshold determines whether it is a true or false positive.
CLUSTER integer 0-based index of the cluster on the current haplotype of this contig containing this variant.
SUPERCLUSTER integer 0-based index of the supercluster on this contig containing this variant.
SYNC_GROUP integer 0-based index of credit grouping for variants on this haplotype and within this supercluster.
REF_DIST integer Edit distance between the reference and truth sequences for the current sync group.
QUERY_DIST integer Edit distance between the query and truth sequences for the current sync group.
LOCATION categorical Location of variant relative to BED regions (INSIDE/OUTSIDE/BORDER/OFF_CTG)

For full false positive (FP) variants where credit is 0.0, REF_DIST and QUERY_DIST set to 0 because the query variant is never aligned and there is no corresponding truth variant.



Reports the size, location, and composition of each supercluster.

Column Type Description
CONTIG string Name of the contig on which this supercluster is located.
SUPERCLUSTER integer 0-based index of supercluster on this contig.
START integer 0-based leftmost genomic position of this supercluster on this contig, inclusive.
STOP integer 0-based rightmost genomic position of this supercluster on this contig, exclusive
SIZE integer Size of this supercluster, STOP-START.
QUERY1_VARS integer Number of variants from query haplotype 0 within this supercluster.
QUERY2_VARS integer Number of variants from query haplotype 1 within this supercluster.
TRUTH1_VARS integer Number of variants from truth haplotype 0 within this supercluster.
TRUTH2_VARS integer Number of variants from truth haplotype 1 within this supercluster.
ORIG_ED integer The minimum edit distance of this supercluster, assuming the original reported phasing is correct.
SWAP_ED integer The minimum edit distance of this supercluster, assuming the phasing of all variants is flipped.
PHASE_STATE integer Current phase block phasing state at this supercluster (0 = T1Q1:T2Q2, 1 = T1Q2: T2Q1).
SC_PHASE categorical Phase state of this supercluster, based on minimum edit distances.
PHASE_SET integer Phase set of this supercluster (PS tag input, genomic position of leftmost variant in phase set).
PHASE_BLOCK integer 0-based index of phase block within this contig.
FLIP_ERROR integer Whether this supercluster is considered a flip error (1) or not (0).

Precision and Recall


High-level precision/recall overview of SNP/INDEL/SV performance. For each category, there is one line for performance at the chosen minimum quality score, and one line for the quality score threshold that results in the best performance.

Column Type Description
VAR_TYPE categorical Variant type category. SNP for substitutions, INDEL for variants smaller than --sv-threshold, and SV for larger variants.
MIN_QUAL integer Variants above this minimum quality score are used to calculate the performance metrics on this line.
TRUTH_TP integer Total measured true positive truth variants in this variant category.
QUERY_TP integer Total measured true positive query variants in this variant category.
TRUTH_FN integer Total measured false negative truth variants in this variant category.
QUERY_FP integer Total measured false positive query variants in this variant category.
PREC float Measured variant calling precision in the range [0.0, 1.0]: QUERY_TP / (QUERY_FP + QUERY_TP).
RECALL float Measured variant calling recall in the range [0.0, 1.0]: TRUTH_TP / (TRUTH_TP + TRUTH_FN).
F1_SCORE float Measured variant calling F1 score in the range [0.0, 1.0]: (2PRECRECALL) / (PREC + RECALL).
F1_QSCORE float PHRED-scaled measure of F1 score: -10*log10(1-F1_SCORE).


For each category (SNP/INDEL/SV), there is one line reporting the precison/recall performance at each possible quality score.

Column Type Description
VAR_TYPE categorical Variant type category. SNP for substitutions, INDEL for variants smaller than --sv-threshold, and SV for larger variants.
MIN_QUAL integer Variants above this minimum quality score are used to calculate the performance metrics on this line.
PREC float Measured variant calling precision in the range [0.0, 1.0]: QUERY_TP / (QUERY_FP + QUERY_TP).
RECALL float Measured variant calling recall in the range [0.0, 1.0]: TRUTH_TP / (TRUTH_TP + TRUTH_FN).
F1_SCORE float Measured variant calling F1 score in the range [0.0, 1.0]: (2PRECRECALL) / (PREC + RECALL).
F1_QSCORE float PHRED-scaled measure of F1 score: -10*log10(1-F1_SCORE).
TRUTH_TOTAL integer Total truth variants in this variant category.
TRUTH_TP integer Total measured true positive truth variants in this variant category.
TRUTH_FN integer Total measured false negative truth variants in this variant category.
QUERY_TOTAL integer Total query variants in this variant category.
QUERY_TP integer Total measured true positive query variants in this variant category.
QUERY_FP integer Total measured false positive query variants in this variant category.

Phasing Analysis


Reports the size, location, and composition of each phase block.

Column Type Description
CONTIG string Name of the contig which contains the current phase block.
PHASE_BLOCK integer 0-based index of this phase block within the contig.
START integer 0-based index of the leftmost genomic position within current phase block, inclusive.
STOP integer 0-based index of the rightmost genomic position within current phase block, exclusive.
SIZE integer Size of the current phase block.
SUPERCLUSTERS integer Total superclusters comprising this phase block.
FLIP_ERRORS integer Total flip errors that occur within this phase block.
SWITCH_ERRORS integer Total switch errors that occur within this phase block.


High-level summary of phasing performance.

Column Type Description
PHASE_BLOCKS integer Total phase blocks, across all evaluated contigs.
SWITCH_ERRORS integer Total switch errors, across all evaluated contigs.
FLIP_ERRORS integer Total flip errors, across all evaluated contigs.
NG_50 integer NG50 (break regions on new phase block), across all evaluated contigs.
SWITCH_NGC50 integer Switch NGC50 (break regions on new phase block or switch error), across all evaluated contigs.
SWITCHFLIP_NGC50 integer Switchflip NGC50 (break regions on new phase block, switch error, or flip error), across all evaluated contigs.


Detailed breakdown of all switch and flip errors.

Column Type Description
CONTIG string Contig on which phasing error occurred.
START integer 0-based index of leftmost genomic position where phasing error could have occurred.
STOP integer 0-based index of rightmost genomic position where phasing error could have occurred.
SWITCH_TYPE categorical Type of phasing error.
SUPERCLUSTER integer 0-based index of supercluster on this contig where the phasing error occurred.
PHASE_BLOCK integer 0-based index of phase block on this contig which the phasing error occurred within.

Alignment Distance


High-level alignment distance overview of SNP/INDEL performance. For each category (SNP/INDEL/ALL), there is one line for performance at the minimum, best, and maximum quality score threshold.

Column Type Description
VAR_TYPE categorical Variant category considered on this line (ALL/SNP/INS/DEL/INDEL).
MIN_QUAL integer Minimum variant quality considered.
EDIT_DISTANCE integer Total edit distance from truth sequence after query variants above MIN_QUAL are applied.
DISTINCT_EDITS integer Total number of edits from truth sequence after query variants above MIN_QUAL are applied.
ED_QSCORE float PHRED-scaled measure of query sequence quality in terms of edit distance: -10*log10(EDIT_DISTANCE / ORIG_EDIT_DISTANCE), where ORIG_EDIT_DISTANCE is the query edit distance from the truth sequence when no query variants are applied.
DE_QSCORE float PHRED-scaled measure of query sequence quality in terms of distinct edits: -10*log10(DISTINCT_EDITS / TRUTH_TOTAL), where TRUTH_TOTAL is total number of truth variants.
ALN_QSCORE float PHRED-scaled measure of query sequence quality in terms of alignment score: -10*log10(ALN_SCORE / ORIG_ALN_SCORE), where ORIG_ALN_SCORE is the query alignment score (to the truth sequence) when no query variants are applied.


There is one line reporting the alignment distance performance at each possible quality score.

Column Type Description
MIN_QUAL integer Minimum variant quality considered.
SUB_DE integer Total number of substitution edits during alignment.
INS_DE integer Total number of insertion edits during alignment.
DEL_DE integer Total number of deletion edits during alignment.
SUB_ED integer Total number of bases substituted during alignment.
INS_ED integer Total number of bases inserted during alignment.
DEL_ED integer Total number of bases deleted during alignment.
DISTINCT_EDITS integer Total number of edits from truth sequence after query variants above MIN_QUAL are applied.
EDIT_DIST integer Total edit distance from truth sequence after query variants above MIN_QUAL are applied.
ALN_SCORE integer Smith-Waterman alignment score of query sequence to truth sequence, after applying query variants above MIN_QUAL.
ALN_QSCORE float PHRED-scaled measure of query sequence quality in terms of alignment score: -10*log10(ALN_SCORE / ORIG_ALN_SCORE), where ORIG_ALN_SCORE is the query alignment score (to the truth sequence) when no query variants are applied.


This file reports for each edit (where called query sequence differs from truth sequence) the contig, pos, hap, len, supercluster, and the quality range for which these edits occur.

Column Type Description
CONTIG string Name of the contig on which this edit occurs.
START integer 0-based genomic position on this contig where this edit is located.
HAP integer Haplotype on which this edit occurs.
TYPE categorical Edit category type (SNP/INS/DEL).
SIZE integer Size of the edit, in terms of reference or query bases affected.
SUPERCLUSTER integer 0-based index of the supercluster containing the edit, on this contig.
MIN_QUAL integer The edit is present at and above this quality score.
MAX_QUAL integer The edit is present below this quality score.

Output .txt Files


This file stores all internal and command-line parameters used by vcfdist (for reproducibility and debugging purposes). Each line stores a single parameter in the format parameter = value.