tierpsytools is a Python library for dealing with metadata in worm screening experiments and tierpsy feature processing.
It is recommended to create an environmemt to install tierpsytools in. In conda you can create an environmnet called tierpsytools with:
conda create -n tierpsytools
Activate the environment with:
source activate tierpsytools
To install tierpsytools clone the repository from github:
git clone https://github.com/Tierpsy/tierpsy-tools-python.git
Go in the tierpsy-tools-python directory:
cd tierpsy-tools-python
Firt, install the dependences with:
conda install --file requirements.txt
pip install imgstore
Then install the tierpsytools package with:
pip install -e .
You can import tierpsytools and use modules and functions as in:
import tierpsytools
filtered_features = tierpsytools.filter_features.drop_ventrally_signed(features)
or import modules and functions from tierpsytools as in:
from tierpsytools.filter_features import drop_ventrally_signed
filtered_features = drop_ventrally_signed(features)