I used Kind to create a local cluster
PS the scripts below is necessary run with the dot (.), or the Dockerfile folder (./api1) in the final:
Enter in the api1
cd api1
Build the image on docker:
docker build -t api:1.0 .
After finished do build and want to test:
docker run --rm -it -p 8001:80 -e ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS=80 api:1.0
In a terminal:
curl http://localhost:8001/weatherforecast
To create a 'Cluster' run this steps (After install Kind):
kind create cluster --name api --config=Cluster/DeployCluster.yaml
It is possible to check the Cluster with:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-api
After create the cluster on Kind, we need to add the app image in the cluster:
kind load docker-image api:1.0 --name api
Now applying the Deployment and the Service:
kubectl apply -f Deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f Service.yaml
If try to made a request in the port 80, you will receive a error, so it's necessary run the follow command:
kubectl port-forward svc/api-service 8001:80
The command it's necessary because we're using ClusterIP (only because I made some testings ).
This last command transfer the local port 8001 to the service
After using the command, problaly will work, only need to use:
curl http://localhost:8001/WeatherForecast