This is a tauri template for building desktop and web applications with Tauri v2.
This template using :
- Tauri-App
- Vue3
- Typescript
- Rust
- Actix-web
- Biscuit-auth
- Read the Tauri setup guide
- Latest version of Node
- Lasest version of Rust
- PostgreSQL database
Clone this project
Go to /frontend folder and install the requirement dependencies in the frontend part (tauri-app)
pnpm install
Go to /api folder and create the file a the root of /api folder. Copy and configure the file with your config.
#!/usr/bin/env bash export BISCUIT_PRIVATE_KEY="" // When you try to start the api, if this field is empty the api will return you an correct and random private key. export DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@host:port/database" // Only support postgres export EMAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS="[email protected]" export SMTP_CONNECTION_URL="smtp://localhost:1025" export APP_URL="http://localhost:8080/" export API_URL="http://localhost:8080/" cargo run -- "$@"
Init the .env at the root of the /api folder. Copy and configure the file with your config.
Run the migration to init the database
sqlx migrate run
Install the requirement dependencies in backend api (Rust api using actix-web) and start the api
Run in developpement mode the frontend
pnpm run tauri dev
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Refresh biscuit token (automatically made in frontend before token is expired)
- Email verification (send email with smtp configuration. After registration, the user need to verify he’s email. Not configurable for now)
- Resend email verification
- Reset password (send email and give a link with token to authentificated the user and give the possibility to reset he’s password if he lost it)
- Change password (if user is logged in)
- Send a profile (stored in static frontend application (/public)
- Change he’s first and last name
- Delete the user account
All this features work (frontend - backend)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see License for more information.
Copyright (c) 2024 Thomas Tartrau.