GitHub Repository:
How to run:
1. Download database backup files and source files.
2. Download Microsoft SQL and MSSQL Server Management Studio
3. Restore databases in Microsoft SQL.
4. Extract downloaded source files.
5. In pycharm, run both and
6. In browser, type in localhost:5000/profile to open up the login page
Features Unable to Complete - Comment Threading - Cloud Deployment(*)
(*) May be viable on local area network, we couldn't get the database hosted, and due to security concerns, we didn't want to open our routers to provide the database to the cloud provider
Who did what:
Raphael: Most of the HTML, all CSS
Terry: Post, PostDatabase, MSSQL DB for Posts
Robert: Connected front end to back end, general assistance (**)
Thomas: Connected front end to back end, general assistance (**)
Olivia: Events and EventDatabase MSSQL DB for Events
Ryan: Comments and CommentsDatabase MSSQL DB for Comments
Everyone: Lots of peer programming via screenshare and voice calls
(**) Debugging and assistance with various parts of the system