- Keep images in new_faces folder
- Name images with users ID
- Create a virtual environment :
virtualenv venv
- Acrivate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure system from config file
- Run main.py :
python main.py
- Buzzer signal - pin d8
- Servo signal - pin d3
- RFID SDA - pin d10
- RFID SCK - pin d13
- RFID MOSI - pin d11
- RFID MISO - pin d12
- RFID RST - pin d9
- Arduino R3 board
- MFRC522 RFID reader
- Buzzer (3 pin)
- Card scanner module
- Generate token
- Write token to card
- Read card
- Reset card
- User CRUD
- Combine front-end with back-end
- Refactor face recognition module
- Camera feed module
- Set up SqlAlchemy ORM
- Set up database models
- Face recognition module
- Generate encodes
- Recognition
- Reset function
- Backup data
- Clear db tables
- GUI designs (pyqt5 designer)