The purpose of this repository would be to demonstrate knowledge and best practices necessary for full stack development.
The following instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- Node Package Manager
- Node
- npm
- yarn
- Typescript
**NOTE** Please determine backend project prior to using select a front-end folder
A step by step series of how to get a development env running
- Backend Folder selection
- Node
- npm / yarn install
- npm / yarn start
- Typescript
- npm / yarn install
- npm / yarn webpack
- npm / yarn start
- Node
- Front-end Folder selection
- Angular
- npm / yarn install
- npm / yarn start
- react
- npm / yarn install
- npm / yarn start
- static
- simply open file in browser
- Angular
In effort to highlight technical proficiency and interests. The intention of multiple approaches would be in hopes to stand-out among other candidates. Though, not included I also have experience developing REST API in GO, PHP, and Python
Talk is cheap.Show me the code. - Linus Torvalds
That being said lets get to it.
I have designed and developed test cases, though not extensive. I wanted to include them to highlight that I am aware of unit test endpoints, methods (or functions depending who you ask)
- yarn test
A report will the be generated and saved in a folder named "mochawesome-report", entering the folder open the index.html file.
Though, not requested I also wanted to include containerized capabilities for each backend soluton.
- docker-compose up -d nodejs
- git
- Ramon Jr. Yniguez
- Thank you, LightFeather for giving the opportunity to show my skills