This program converts a hostname like '' into the correct ip address, like ''(only example)
For example, this can be used, if you know, that your raspberrypi has the hostname 'raspi', but you don't know, which ip it has.
Download the newest release. You will also need a jdk or jre. Minimum is jdk-16.
Then you have to run:
java -jar HostnameToIP-1.0.1.jar <arguments>
With '-hn' you can insert a hostname. This can be done multiple times.
With '-f' you can insert a file with hostnames. Every new line is taken as a hostname.
-f domains.txt
With -cout you can activate or deactivate the console output. Activated output is default.
-cout false
With -outf you can set a file for the results.
-outf result.txt
The file looks like that:
<ip-address 1>
<ip-address 2>
<line seperator: #>
This is my first public Github repository with a real project. This project isn't big, but it's a beginning. I am happy about every contribution, every reported issue and every look at this repository. Thanks!