Releases: TheRedDaemon/LittleCrusaderAsi
LittleCrusaderAsi v0.2
Second release! (Yay!)
The biggest addition of this release is without a doubt the BltOverlay.
By intercepting the creation call for the primary DirectDraw surface and the buffer flip function, it is technically possible to overlay the screen with stuff. In this case, an additional menu and a small console-like window.
But because this is not useful on its own, both the BuildRangeChanger and AICLoad received their own sub-menu and many new functions. For more details, please refer to the Readme or the Menu Description.
Some new features in-short:
- Both, build range and AIC, received a master On/Off. Functions and changes are always applied to "custom values". If this switch is turned off, no changes are made to the game, only to the values.
- The build ranges can now be set in a menu.
- AICLoad received the most features:
- Live editor for AIC values.
- Ability to save the current custom values as a new AIC file.
- Ability to load a new AIC file by name from the AIC-folder given in the config.
- It is now possible to set the order in which these file AICs are applied and they can also be turned off.
The release folder example setup is largely unchanged. Placing the files from inside the folder in a folder 'plugins' inside the Stronghold Crusader directory to be picked up by the asi load will(/should) have the same effects like in version 0.1.
However, the following new keyboard inputs are important:
- "LeftCtrl" + "Division (/)" on numpad toggles the menu.
- "LeftCtrl" + "Multiplication (*)" on numpad toggles the output console.
- The menu is also controlled by numpad keys, but in numeric mode!
- The directions are "4" (left), "6" (right), "8" (up) and "2" (down).
- Back or delete actions are on "0".
- Action or enter is on "5".
Also, please do not forget that the keyboard input needs to be activated with 'Page Down' (while using the given config).
However, on the "neither good nor bad"-side:
- The current menu language is only English.
- Basically no new keyboard functions were added.
- Support stays basically limited to "western"(?) Crusader Versions 1.41 and 1.41.1-E.
Like always, should problems arise or warnings in the log appear that might seem strange, feel free to create an Issue.
LittleCrusaderAsi v0.1
First release of the LittleCrusaderAsi!
Current features are KeyboardInterceptor, BuildRangeChanger and AICLoad.
For more details on the features and the configuration, please take a look at this versions
The contains a folder that includes an example set up. Placing these files in a folder 'plugins' inside the Stronghold directory to be picked up by the asi load will(/should) have the following effects:
- 'Page Down' switches the KeyboardInterceptor on/off (assumed to be 'on' for the following points).
- The 'plus' and 'minus' key on the keyboard (at least on a german one) now trigger the same on the numpad, also allowing to modify the games tempo.
- Pressing 'LeftShift'+'Plus (Keyboard)' will reduce the build range on a 400x400 map to 40 (and back).
- The provided AICs basically switch the values of Wolf and Rat.
- Activate/Deactivate them using 'LeftShift'+'Comma (Keyboard)'.
- Reload the main AIC (ratWolf.json) with 'LeftCtrl'+'Period (Keyboard)'.
- Reload all AICs by pressing 'LeftShift'+'Period (Keyboard)'.
The provided AIC folder was filled using and reducing the vanilla AIC-file from the UnofficialCrusaderPatch.