Webaverse contracts.
Audit: https://github.com/webaverse/audit
First, copy .env.default and rename it to .env, then configure it for the network you want to deploy to.
npm install
npm run deploy-<network> // i.e. npm run deploy-polygon
Consult package.json for more options
To deploy contracts, you will need several things:
A deployment wallet with enough Mainnet Ethereum, Rinkeby and/or Polygon/MATIC token to pay for the gas of deploying. Your best option is to download Metamask. Create a new Metamask wallet for this purpose so you can use the private keys for your signing authority.
Several BIP39 mnemonics and private keys -- Treasury addresses, for handling tokens owned by your treasury -- Signing addresses, for handling chain transfers and other transactions -- Private keys for each of the networks you want to interact with
You can generate BIP39 mnemonics with Metamask (recommended) or here: https://particl.github.io/bip39/bip39-standalone.html
The first step is to add your private keys to the .env file. You can export your private key from your Metamask wallet. Assuming you have one wallet with all of your deployment currency, this should look like this:
Next, you will need public wallet addresses, which are derived from BIP39 mnemonics.
These should be unique and generated per chain you hope to deploy to. You will need keys for both your signer and your treasury. The signer is responsible for signing off on transactions, while the treasury holds items and tokens on behalf of your org as a network peer.
Make sure you are generating addresses for the ethereum network. They will have a "0x" at the beginning.
Once your environment variables are set up, you are ready to deploy.
Your first deployment is, ideally, to a Ganache test server. If you've never used Truffle or Ganache before, you should start here: https://www.trufflesuite.com/docs/truffle/quickstart
Once you've read up and done a practice deployment, you are ready to deploy to the Webaverse sidechain network. You can do that by running
npm run deploy-mainnetsidechain
If everything goes as planned, a list of addresses will be returned to you -- these are the addresses of your contracts. Write them down! In order to access NFTs from your contracts later, you will need these addresses.
Once you've deployed to the Webaverse sidechain, you can additionally deploy to the polygon network and mainnet ethereum.
It is suggested that you start with the polygon/matic network and make sure your infrastructure is fully working before deploying contracts to mainnet ethereum. The contracts can be deployed on Polygon/Matic for a fraction of the mainnet gas fees.
Information about the Webaverse contracts is provided below, larger for the convenience of our development team.
// nothing
SILK, SILK, 2147483648000000000000000000
${FT}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960, 1
ASSET, ASSET, "https://tokens.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, false, false
${NFT}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960, 2
${FT}, ${NFT}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960
LAND, LAND, "https://land.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, true, false
${LAND}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960, 3
// nothing
SILK, SILK, 2147483648000000000000000000
${FT}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960, 4
ASSET, ASSET, "https://tokens.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 10, 0xd459de6c25f61ed5dcec66468dab39fc70c0ff68, false, true
${NFT}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960, 5
${FT}, ${NFT}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960
LAND, LAND, "https://land.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, true, false
${LAND}, 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960, 6
// nothing
SILK, SILK, 2147483648000000000000000000
${FT}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4, 1
ASSET, ASSET, "https://tokens.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, false, false
${NFT}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4, 2
${FT}, ${NFT}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4
LAND, LAND, "https://land.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, true, false
${LAND}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4, 3
// nothing
SILK, SILK, 2147483648000000000000000000
${FT}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4, 4
ASSET, ASSET, "https://tokens.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 10, 0xd459de6c25f61ed5dcec66468dab39fc70c0ff68, false, true
${NFT}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4, 5
${FT}, ${NFT}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4
LAND, LAND, "https://land.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, true, false
${LAND}, 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4, 6
// nothing
SILK, SILK, 2147483648000000000000000000
${FT}, 0x5d4e8c60b51a7e5941f10d67090026e1877d15d7, 1
ASSET, ASSET, "https://tokens.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, false, false
${NFT}, 0x5d4e8c60b51a7e5941f10d67090026e1877d15d7, 2
${FT}, ${NFT}, 0x5d4e8c60b51a7e5941f10d67090026e1877d15d7
LAND, LAND, "https://land.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, true, false
${LAND}, 0x5d4e8c60b51a7e5941f10d67090026e1877d15d7, 3
// nothing
SILK, SILK, 2147483648000000000000000000
${FT}, 0xD2e62C19d31A987870f1582163A99702E3628D5E, 4
ASSET, ASSET, "https://tokens.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, false, false
${NFT}, 0xD2e62C19d31A987870f1582163A99702E3628D5E, 5
${FT}, ${NFT}, 0xD2e62C19d31A987870f1582163A99702E3628D5E
LAND, LAND, "https://land.webaverse.com/", ${FT}, 0, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, true, false
${LAND}, 0xD2e62C19d31A987870f1582163A99702E3628D5E, 6
burn: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD
mainnet signer: 0x6a93d2daf3b017c77d433628e690ddee0d561960
testnet signer: 0xfa80e7480e9c42a9241e16d6c1e7518c1b1757e4
polygon signer: 0x5d4e8c60b51a7e5941f10d67090026e1877d15d7
testnetpolygon signer: 0xD2e62C19d31A987870f1582163A99702E3628D5E
treasury: 0xd459de6c25f61ed5dcec66468dab39fc70c0ff68