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Joey Peter edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 4 revisions


This is the documentation of ChatEx's API. You can include the api as followed:





allprojects {
   repositories {
      maven { url '' }

dependencies {
   implementation 'com.github.TheJeterLP:ChatEx:Version'

Be carefull to include the correct version for your project. To include the ChatEx API in other waysread this site: Jitpack - ChatEx.


ChatEx includes the following events which you can handle as normal bukkit events:


This event gets fired if a player uses the rangemode.

public void onEvent(PlayerUsesRangeModeEvent event){
   event.getPlayer();                //returns the player which fired the event
   event.getMessage();               //returns the message which the player wrote
   event.setMessage(String message); //set the message the player will send

If this event is cancelled the message will not be sent.


This event gets fired if a player uses the global-chat.

public void onEvent(PlayerUsesGlobalChatEvent event){
   event.getPlayer();                //returns the player which fired the event
   event.getMessage();               //returns the message which the player wrote
   event.setMessage(String message); //set the message the player will send


This event gets fired if a player writes a word from the BlockedWords section in the config.yml

public void onEvent(MessageContainsBlockedWordEvent event){
   event.getPlayer();                           //returns the player which fired the event
   event.getMessage();                          //returns the message which the player wrote
   event.getPluginMessage();                    //returns the message the plugin will send the player
   event.setMessage(String message);            //set the message the player will send
   event.setPluginMessage(String pluginMessage) //Set the message the message which the plugin will send to the player


This event gets fired if a players message gets blocked by the AdManager

public void onEvent(MessageBlockedByAdManagerEvent event){
   event.getPlayer();                           //returns the player which fired the event
   event.getMessage();                          //returns the message which the player wrote
   event.getPluginMessage();                    //returns the message the plugin will send the player
   event.setMessage(String message);            //set the message the player will send
   event.setPluginMessage(String pluginMessage) //Set the message the message which the plugin will send to the player


This event gets fired if a players message gets blocked by the SpamManager

public void onEvent(MessageBlockedBySpamManagerEventevent){
   event.getPlayer();                           //returns the player which fired the event
   event.getMessage();                          //returns the message which the player wrote
   event.getPluginMessage();                    //returns the message the plugin will send the player
   event.getRemainingTime();                    //returns the remaining time (In Seconds) the player cant write
   event.setMessage(String message);            //set the message the player will send
   event.setPluginMessage(String pluginMessage) //Set the message the message which the plugin will send to the player


The ChatExAPIclass contains many usefull informations of player. You can get it with:

ChatExAPI chatExAPI = new ChatExAPI();


String permissionHandlerName = chatExAPI.getPermissionHandlerName();

AntiSpamManager antiSpamManager = chatExAPI.getAntiSpamManager();

String prefix = chatExAPI.getPrefix(Player p);

String Suffix = chatExAPI.getSuffix(Player p);

String[] groupNames = chatExAPI.getGroupNames(Player p);

String messageFormat = chatExAPI.getMessageFormat(Player p);

String globalMessageFormat = chatExAPI.getGlobalMessageFormat(Player p);


The AntiSpamManager contains information about the players cooldown. You can get it with:

AntiSpamManager antiSpamManager = chatExAPI.getAntiSpamManager();

You can get a players remaining mute time with:

long timeInSeconds = antiSpamManager.getRemainingSeconds(Player player); //returns the remaining cooldown in seconds
long timeInMillis = antiSpamManager.getRemainingMillis(Player player); //return the remaining cooldown in milliseconds