---- description ----
- This repo contains data and scripts to recreate the analysis and charts in the article "Cheap vaccines could prevent millions of deaths from cervical cancer. A turning-point looms in the campaign to eliminate the disease"
- article: https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2023/05/31/cheap-single-dose-hpv-vaccines-could-save-millions-of-lives
- author: Daniella Raz
---- source-data ----
- wuenic2021rev_hpv-estimates.xlsx
- data.pop.rda
- country_codes.csv
- country-incomes.xlsx
- cc_incidence_rates.csv
- 2019_2021_all_vaccine_rates.csv
---- scripts ----
- main.r
- analysis.r
- combine_dfs.r
---- output-data ----
- hpv_2020s_results.csv
- hpv_past_results.csv
- mixed_results.csv
- results_2021.csv
- folder: yearly-results
- folder: projections_with_gradual_90pct_rate
- folder: projections_with_2021_rate
- folder: case_and_death_estimates_without_vaccine
---- sources ----
- The World Health Organization / UNICEF
- Papillomavirus Rapid Interface for Modelling and Economics (PRIME): London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Mark Jit, Marc Brisson, Kaja Abbas, and Han Fu
by age 15, first dose:
by age 15, last dose:
coverage, first dose, females:
coverage, last dose, females:
country = country code
cohort_size = total number of girls who are in the cohort that should be getting vaccinated
current_cov = coverage in X year
curr_vacc_cohort_size = number vaccinated in that cohort
future_cov = 90% coverage rate
future_vacc_cohort_size = number vaccinated in cohort under new coverage rate
curr_cc_prev: cervical cancer cases prevented under the current coverage
curr_mort_prev: deaths from cervical cancer prevented under the current coverage
curr_cost: current cost of the program
curr_cost_prev: current costs prevented by reducing cervical cancer
proj_cc_prev, proj_mort_prev, proj_cost, proj_cost_prev are the same as above but under the "projected" 90% coverage rate the WHO says is necessary for elimination of cervical cancer